The Beginning
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority becomes the first Greek-lettered organization established exclusively by and for black women. Ethyl Hedgeman Lyle, a junior at Howard University, gathered eight female students to work towards solidifying the organization. -
First Initiation
AKA holds its first iniation ceremony in a wing of Miner Hall at Howard University. Beforehand, seven sohomores had shown interest in joining the sorority and were admitted without iniation. Those seven then joined the nine original members to become AKA's founders. -
AKA Sorority Becomes Incorporated
Member Nellie Quander leads a three-person committee to work towards incorporating AKA Sorority as a perpetual entity. The team succeeds, and AKA becomes nationally incorporated. -
Beginnings of the Gamma Chi Chapter
Twenty-one students at Northwestern University gather to start a club called TIAKA (Those Interested in Alpha Kappa Alpha). -
The Gamma Chi Chapter Becomes A Colony
With the guidance of two members and after almost a month of meetings and petitions, the TIAKA club obtains the approval of the Student Senate and becomes a colony.