Droughts and Floods
During the Great Depression rural America either suffered from heavy flooding or horrible droughts. "Arthur M. Hyde, the Secretary of Agriculture, called the drought "the worst . . . ever recorded in this country." (Quoted from https://growinganation.org/content/show-content/from_defeat_to_victory/)" Image from https://www.ndstudies.gov/gr8/content/unit-iv-modern-north-dakota-1921-present/lesson-2-making-living/topic-2-great-depression-drought-ccc-wpa/section-1-great-depression -
The Establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority
Congress created the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1933. The TVA helped maintain natural resources, better the navigation of rivers, help with flood control and create electric power for 7 states. Image from https://www.wkms.org/post/tennessee-valley-authority-approves-10-billion-budget#stream/0 -
Henry Wallace Starts Term
Henry Wallace started his term for Secretary of Agriculture on March 4th, 1933 until September 4th, 1940. He was considered one of the best Secretary of Agriculture. He created the Emergency Granary System which is where the Government buys extra grain and stores it for future needs. Image from https://study.com/academy/lesson/henry-a-wallace-as-secretary-of-agriculture.html -
Farmers Credit Union Was Created
President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Farmers Credit Union. This was an executive order to deal with farm credit. Image from https://info.agribank.com/about/Pages/History.aspx -
The Signing of the Farm Credit Act of 1933
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Farm Credit Act of 1933. This created the Production Credit Association. Image from https://www.thinglink.com/scene/857274050811002880 -
Creating the Soil Conservation Service
The USDA's Soil Conservation Service created bills for the Congress. Image from https://scalar.usc.edu/works/dust-bowl/aa-soil-conservation-service-1936 -
Replacing the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
In 1938 Congress replaced the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 with the new Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. The old act paid farmers to not plant some crops. This new act changed that so there would be no worry of food shortages. Image from https://timelinesforapush.weebly.com/aaa-and-second-triple-a.html -
Launching the Victory Garden Program
The USDA launched the Victory Garden Program. This program encouraged Americans to plant fruits and vegetables themselves. The program provided the seeds, fertilizer, and gardening tools. Image from http://sonomamg.ucanr.edu/History/Victory_Gardens_in_World_War_II/ -
The Women's Land Army
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the USDA created the Women's Land Army. This was a effort to help win the war. Image from https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-was-the-womens-land-army -
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Servicemen's Readjustment Act. This act gave military men the chance to go to college, find jobs, receive medical care, buy a house, start a business, or start their own farm. Image from https://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/22/this-day-in-politics-june-22-1944-239693 -
The Agricultural Act of 1948
This improved version of the 1938 bill addressed prices of cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco, rice, and peanuts. Image from https://libraries.psu.edu/about/collections/penn-state-university-park-campus-history-collection/penn-state-illustrated-5 -
The Agricultural Act of 1949
The 1949 farm bill addressed concerns about agricultural miscellaneous areas of agriculture. Image from https://hoards.com/article-17153-great-depression-dairy-scenes.html