History of Agriculture (Group 5)

  • Period: to

    TV Dinners

    New products were created to make life easier for consumers. Things such as frozen meals were starting to become popular. This made making dinner easy, especially since women were starting to get jobs. TV dinners became way more popular and a large industry. The first McDonald's Franchise was bought.
  • Ag in the Cold War

    Ag in the Cold War
    With new demand for food supplies, President Truman ordered an increase of production to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to produce enough food for the war. Americans also began to grow their own gardens at home and conserve their food.
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    Modernization on Farms

    Farms were upgrading to larger scale productions and properties. As well as the creation of more efficient mechanically operated machines.
  • Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower
    President Eisenhower thought that the government had too much control in the ag industry and on farmers that discouraged business flow and competition.
  • Biologically Controlling Plants & Animals

    Biologically Controlling Plants & Animals
    The agricultural scientists began to develop better breeds of plants and animals, along with ways to protect crops and livestock from insects/disease. USDA developed a popular insect repellant, DEET.
  • Public Law 480

    Public Law 480
    The Food-For-Peace-Program created to help use the surpluses resulting from a great increase in agricultural productivity. This law allows the government to send American Farm Surpluses abroad.
  • Agricultural Act of 1954

    Agricultural Act of 1954
    With the Korean War coming to an end, the high demand for food also came to an end. There was much more food than was needed, and the Agricultural Act of 1954 stated that the surplus of crops and goods could be given to foreign countries that were U.S. allies. However, this act also made the income for farmers decrease.
  • Agricultural Act of 1956

    The Soil Bank Act was created. This act helped address the surplus of crops after the Korean War. Farmers could receive rental payments as an exchange for removing land from production. This was later repealed by the Food and Agricultural act of 1965.
  • Food and Agricultural Act of 1962

    Food and Agricultural Act of 1962
    This act was passed to assist with economic development in broad multi-county areas for RC&D which were overseen. This created new jobs, higher incomes and outdoor recreation.
  • Public Concern

    Public Concern
    Public concern for environmental protection brought more changes to agriculture. In 1967, USDA Secretary Orville Freeman reported that 186 million acres of land were secure in National Forest and Grassland programs. Some farmers used their land and increased awareness to improve wildlife resources.
  • Girls Allowed to Join FFA

    Girls Allowed to Join FFA
    In 1969, the Future Farmers of America constitution was revised to allow women to become FFA members.
  • The Election of Richard Nixon

    The Election of Richard Nixon
    When Nixon was elected president, one of his main goals was to improve the nutrition of Americans and find ways to help Americans suffering from malnutrition.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    The first Earth Day was created in 1970 to bring awareness to people around the world about protecting and celebrating the earth.