Sword and sheild

The Crusades through time

By 8240MRS
  • Nov 27, 1095

    Pope Urban II

    Pope Urban II
    Pope Urban II gave a speech to the christians in the west to essentally wage war on mulims and the jewish, stating that they were ro reclaim the holy land of Jeruselum
  • 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    In the summer of 1096, 60,000 men, women, children, knights, and peasants set off for the first time to reclaim the holy land, as God's will.
  • 1098

    The Holy Lance

    The Holy Lance
    The crusaders miraculously made it in to Antioch after loosing more than half of their army. While inside they found the "Holy Lance," which gave them the inspiration and hope they needed to fight the 40,000 man army waiting for them. They were able to defeat the army and conquer Antioch
  • 1099

    Jerusalem Massacre

    Jerusalem Massacre
    Ten percent of the Crusaders make it to Jerusalem, and slaughter everyone for a period of two days, where they convened at the Resurrection sight of Christ to give thanks and praise to God. Where they had finally conquered Jerusalem
  • 1145

    The Second Crusade

    The Second Crusade
    Pope Ugenious III called for the second crusade where King Louis the VII of France answered that call and took 30,000 men on the route to Jerusalem
  • 1148

    Defeat of the Crusaders

    Defeat of the Crusaders
    King Louis retreated from Damascus, thus resulting in a shameful defeat for the crusaders. And the resolve of united Muslim strength.
  • 1187

    The Third Crusade

    The Third Crusade
    Nur al-Din's nephew began campaigning against the Crusades Kingdom of Jerusalem, which outraged the Crusaders. Thus beginning the third Crusade.
  • 1191

    The battle of the Third Crusade

    The battle of the Third Crusade
    King Richard I of England defeated Saladin, the nephew of Nur al-Din in the battle of Arsuf.
  • 1192

    Treaty of Jerusalem

    Treaty of Jerusalem
    King Richard I and Saladin signed a peace treaty to end the third Crusade.
  • Period: 1198 to 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    In this time Pope Innocent III called for the fourth crusade to submit Byzantium church to Rome. They were met with resistance and killed Alexius IV. In response the Crusaders massacred Constantinople thus ending the fourth crusade.
  • 1289

    First Documented Account

    First Documented Account
    William of Tyre, a christian historian who lived through the first crusade, wrote and illustrated copy of the events of the first crusades while working in the holy land.