Born in Tauresium, Macedonia in 482. He was emperor of Bryzantine from 527 to 565. He is best known for the creation/completion of the Codex of Justinion, this had all Roman laws collected together onto one document which would serve as the all powerful law. He died in Constantinople on November 14th 565. -
Clovis was born in Tournai, Belgium 466. He is well known forbeing the first King of the Franks to unite all the FRanish tribes under one ruler, insuring his absolute power and that of his succesors. He succeded his father as King in 481, and is also well known for creating the backbone of what was to become the French empire. Clovis died on November 27, 511. -
Oct 10, 732
The Battle of Tours
The Battle of Tours fought between defending the defending Franks being led by Charles Martel and the huge attacking force of Islam led by Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd al Rahman, in/near the city of Tours, France on October 10, 732. The Frank defeated the islamic army and Emir therefore stopping the Islamic conquest and preserving Christianities control in Europe. -
Jan 4, 793
Viking Invasions
The VIkings invaded medieval Europe during theperiod of 793 - 1066. They came from areas that are now known as Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. The invasions made it so there were little safe place away from the vikings in Europe, they would pillage and loot everything especially places such as Monestaries or cHurches that were carrying lots of expensive treasures. This expansion and invasions done by the vikings led to area being discovered which are now some of the most cultivated states in Europe -
Jan 28, 814
Born in the Frankish kingdom on April 2, 742. Charlamagne was the emporer of medieval europe during his time ruling over such empires as the Franks, Italy, and became the first Holy Roman Emporer. He was significant for trying to unite all his subjects to Christianity, and then ontop of that highly encourage education, arts, and religion for all those in his empire. He died ending his rule in Aachen, Germany on January 28th, 814. -
Jan 4, 1054
East - West Schism
The East-West Schism marks the point of break between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. The Schism was started through the crisis between the Byzantine and the Western tradiations. The Christian Church reached a dividing point between East and West, and this led to the creation of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. -
Oct 4, 1066
Norman Conquest of England
The Norman Conquest of England was the invasion on England by William the Duke of Normandy. After the Battle of Hastings the Norman autocracriacy replaced the English one. Overall the conquest changed the course of England. -
Jan 4, 1088
University of Bologna Founded
The University of Bologna is though of as the first University in Europe. Due to the creation of the University it helped with the growth of Europe, at the start it only taught law and then soon after added medicine. -
Apr 1, 1204
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor lived a long life with being born in Poitiers, France in 1122 and dieing in France in 1204 at the age of 82. She was always considered a very powerful person espicially as a female, as she inherited a large wealthy oiece of land at only 15. Her status led her to marry both the King of France first then England. Her power was clear as she was close with her King Richard her son when he became King furthering her power. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was a doument evented to take away some ofthe power due to the King of Englad at the timeKing John was ruling. The reason for the creation of Magna Carta was that King John was a very unjust ruler and thouhgt of to this day as the worst King of England. This document gave people rights such as all men have the right to a free trial, and then also gave the King certain laws he must abide by to take away his absolute power. -
Sep 29, 1254
Marco Polo
Marco polo was born on September 29, 1254 in Venice, Italy. He died on January 8, 1324 in Venice, Italy. He was very famous as a European traveler; with some of the places he went to being Mongolia and China, in which he became an advisor to Kublai Khan the emperor of Mongolia. He inspired many future travelers. -
Jan 4, 1337
Hundred Years War
This war lasted 1453, 116 years between England and France. This was a significant event as it helped move along the evolution of war such as advancements in weaponry and strategies along with transforming France into a centralized state. -
Jan 4, 1412
Joan of Arc
She was a peasant girl who lived in France and thought she was sent by god to influence France to be victorious over England. Because of her ability to inspire French soldiers she led France to victory at the Battle of Orleans at 18. She was executed on May 30 1431 by the British after being captured by the British. -
Apr 6, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
This event occurred when the Ottoman Turks attacked and took over the City of Constantinople. This was the first time that the Islamic religion had set down roots in Eastern Europe. Constantinople served as a place where the Islamic religion could be practiced. Not only was it the beginning of Islam coming into Europe it began the end of the Byzantine Empire. -
Feb 3, 1468
Johannes Gutenberg
Born in 1395 in Mainz, Germany, Johannes Gutenberg was the inventor who created the first printing press. This invention advanced the world around in communication and learning significantly. He died on February 3, 1468 in Mainz, Germany.