History Medicine

  • Aug 21, 607

    Classical 600bce-476ce

    Classical 600bce-476ce
    In these times people use to worship in temples. When people would get sick they belived that it was best to treat the sick people. By letting them rest or exercise, and even magic. They said that people would get sick when they. Did not have enough of the four elements of earth. Like earth, fire, air and, water so they would try to get that to them.
  • May 17, 1350

    Medieval 476ce-1400ce

    Medieval  476ce-1400ce
    People around this time did not know that diseases could spread from person to person. There was also some people that though that injury or getting sick was just natural. Also that those things could go away with saying a prayer. All of this had to go away there was no cure for any of these. They would nto pay attention to the human body so if you got sick the you got sick.
  • Oct 19, 1500

    Exploration 1492-1700

    Exploration 1492-1700
    Many people during this time would move when a lot of people of there own started to spread a dieses.
  • Mar 4, 1543

    Renaissance (1400-1600s)

    Renaissance (1400-1600s)
    Some people though that when you where sick or you had a dieses ment that god had let the devil do that to you. There was this thing where they would give you a piece of paper and pencil, and you would have to right a word.This word was abracadabra, you would have to right this word 11 times. They say that when you would keep righting it that when you wrote. This word you where going to have one less letter then you illnes would go away. Other then this there was a medicen called Paracelsus.
  • Revolutionary 1750-1850

    Revolutionary 1750-1850
    Some of the medicine that they created where like herbs like plants. One of them was the bark of the Quina tree that contained a ingredient called quinine. The bark form the tree is a cure for malaria. But do not try to cure malaria with bark
  • World wars I &II

    World wars I &II
    "M+B 693" was used as a treatment for like sore throats. More along the road they found the creation of penicillin this was like thier treasure that they had found. This was helping them cure for when they had a member that was wounded. They could give this to them and they would not give an infection.