Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400
Dark and Middle Ages
Jan 1, 1010
Writes The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine -
Oct 9, 1249
Roger Bacon
Invents the spectacles -
Jan 1, 1290
Fra Bonvicino
Wrote about how people have to use untensils -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Oct 9, 1489
Leonardo DeVinci
Disects the first corpus -
Zacharius Jannssen
Invents the microscope -
Anton van Leewenhoek
Discovers blood cells -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Discovers blood cells -
Small Pox
Vaccination against -
Claudius Aymand
Performs the first sucessful appendectomy -
Edward Jenner
Developed a vaccine for smallpox -
Rene Laennec
Invents the first stethoscope -
Dr. Horace Wells
Uses nitrous oxcide as an anesthetic -
Elizabeth Blackwell
First woman to qualify as a doctor in the US -
Louis Pasteur
Indentifys that germs are a disease -
Clara Barton
Founded the American Red Cross -
WIllhelm Roentgen
Discovered x-rays -
Felix Hoffman
Developes asprin -
Marie Curie
Isolated radium -
William Harvey
Discovered penicillin -
John Hopps
Developes first pacemaker -
Jonas Salk
Developed the polio vaccine -
Christian Bernard
Performed the world's first heartplant surgery -
Robert S. Ledley
Developes the first CAT scan -
Life of Greek Galen was created -
Persian physician Rhazes
Indentifies smallpox