Oct 1, 1439
first printing press
the Printing press changed the medical field for ever, allowing medical books to be made and records to be kept. -
Microscope is invented
Anton van Leeuwenhoek invtented the microscope allowing scienctist the ability to do resaearch more easily and look at bactieria. -
First mercury thermometer
Created in 1714 by Gabriel Fahrenheit made taking tempertures alot easier for all nureses and doctors. -
America becomes America
First Successful Cesarean in US
Elizabeth Bennett delivers a daughter by cesarean section, becoming the first woman in the United States to give birth this way and survive. Her husband, Jesse, is the physician who performs the operation. -
Vaccaine for smallpox
Vaccine was made Edward Jenner, it stoped the spread of all small pox -
First practical anesthetic, ethet, introdecuded
Elizabeth Blackwell first woman doctor
she became the first woman to qualitfy as a doctor in the US, inspired Florence Nightingale to pursue nursing. -
American red cross is founded
Clara Barton was the one who founded the American Red cross, it changed America by helping all in need -
Rabies vaccine deiscoverd
Helped get rid of rabies curing alot of people -
first doctor to use an antiseptic furing surgery
in the late 1800's Joseph Lister uses an antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection with the incision. -
X-rays are discoverd
This was the first xray done by William Harvey of his wifes hand. The black dot on her finger is her wedding ring. -
isolated radium
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Penicillin in 1928
discoverd by Alexander Fleming, penicilin was the first anti biotic which kills bacteria -
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Polio vaccine
Discovered by Jonas Salk -
heart-lung bypass
Dr. John Heysham Gibbon used his new invention, the heart-lung bypass machine, for the first time in open-heart surgery, completely supporting a patient's heart and lung functions for about half the time of the surgery. -
first successful kidnet transplant
after at least nine failures, a team of surgeons at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston transplanted a kidney from a 24-year-old man to his twin brother. The recipient lived 11 years more, and in 1990 the lead surgeon, Dr. Joseph E. Murray, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology. -
first Birth Control Pills
The FDA approves of Birth control pills -
first successful heart transplant
53 year old Lewis Washkansky receives the first human heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. -
first test tube baby
Louise Brown was the first successful test tube baby born in Great britian -
Dolly the sheep
First sheep was clones, this is important because now scients will be able to clone cells or anything that will be needed. -
AIDS first recognizeed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
It was publicly came out about AIDS -
start of acupuncture
acupuncture relieves pain and congestion done by the Chinese