history iii

  • Berlin Conference

  • Period: to

    second Boer war /South american war

  • Independence of South Africa

  • Period: to


  • Maori Soldiers in Gallipoli

  • Period: to

    Armenian genocide

  • Sykes Picot Agreement

  • Arthur Balfour declaration

  • Period: to

    INlfuenza pandemic

  • Period: to

    Khilafat Movement

  • Period: to

    Riff war in morocco

  • Turkey modernizatoin uder Kermal Atartuk

  • Period: to

    Emergence of US as dominant super power

  • Period: to


  • Italian invasion of Abyissinia

  • Independence Egypt

  • sino japanese war (invasion of china)

  • Period: to

    Spanish civil war

  • Nanjing massacre

  • Planning commision

  • Period: to


  • Invasion of France by nazi germany

  • Unites states enter the war, Perl Halbour

  • Invasion of Russia, Operation Barbarossa

  • Japanese attacks south east asia

  • Attomic bombs

  • American conquest of Japan and reconquest of southeast asia

  • SovietUnion expansion Eastern Eu

  • Period: to

    I Indochina War

  • India & Pakistan Independence

  • I Indo Pakistani War (Kashmir)

  • Period: to

    Palestine War

  • Period: to

    Nehruvian Socialism

  • Creation of state of Israel (cleansing of palestinians)

  • Arab-Israeli War

  • Period: to

    Apartheid system

  • Period: to

    communist insurgecy or Malayan Emergency

  • Independence indonesia

  • Period: to

    Zamindari Abolition Acts

  • India's 5 year plan

  • Period: to

    Mau Mau Insurrection

  • Period: to

    France's war in Algeria (pieds noirs)

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Period: to

    Indira Gandhi Centralisation

  • India's nuclear policy

  • II Indo-Pakistani War (Bangladesh)

  • Indira's electoral victory (begin of war on poverty)

  • Period: to

    Indira's Emergency

  • Iran Revolution

  • Pakistan as Islamic Republic

  • Indira Congress won the election

  • Operation Blue Star against Khalistan (sikhs) seccesionist movement

  • Period: to

    Decline of Congress and rise of BJP

  • Fall of communism and iron curtain

  • Destruction of Babri masjid (mosque)