History if Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 593

    Removing things

    some people died of sword wounds and other had wounds that had taken a long time to heal over the process
  • Feb 19, 778


    This is about dentists they could remove decay fill holes ans strengthen lose teeth
  • May 20, 900


    Discovered the difference between smallpox and measles
  • Apr 13, 1019

    Targeted cancer therapy

    A new drug called Biologic to treat cancer which destroy fast growing healthy cells
  • Dec 7, 1128

    Doctors giving medicine

    A lot of doctors where not trusted they fond bleeding their patients with leeches which made them weaker
  • Aug 22, 1257

    Types Of Medicines

    Types Of Medicines
    The types of medicine used was very unusual
    Take equal amounts of radish,bishpwort pound them and boil them keep stirring strain though a cloth and smear on the forehead
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • Mar 11, 1466


    They were the extreme approach and not the norm
  • Jul 26, 1505

    The trocar

    The trocar is a surgical instrument with a bald tip and hollow inside the tube
  • The Maggot Therapy

    The Maggot Therapy
    They used the maggots to clean the infected part of the wound
  • Tracheostmy

    It removes secretions from the throat just in case if there is cancer
  • Giovanni Battisa Morgagni

    Giovanni Battisa Morgagni
    His adventure with of the human body is well known for and gave his first autopsy the for of science
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Rene Leannec

    Rene Leannec
    He has a stethoscope helped save many people lives
  • X-Rays

    They where used in the beginning by the battlefield
  • Smallpox

    The treatment was latter after it was founded to the New World in 1800
  • Aspirin

    The found aspirin then later forgotten and then from someone vomiting then later bung it back
  • The Antisepit Theory

    It was one of the most pivotal moments in medical science that would led into cleaner operating
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Yellow Fever

    Max Theiler developed the first successful vaccine for yellow fever
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    He used the Pasteur that showed bacteria cause wine,beer,and milk to go bad he boiled it and got rid of the bacteria
  • Surgeons

    Joseph Murray carried out first human kidney transplant with identical twins
  • Heart Disease

    Sir James black invented beta-blocker and investigating how adrenaline affect the heart the functioning of the human heart
  • Measles

    John Enders and colleagues developed the first measles vaccine
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Jean-Michel Dubernard

    Jean-Michel Dubernard
    Carried out a partial face transplant on a woman whose face became disfigured from a dog attack
  • HIV Treament

    Now people how take the medication will not pass but the amount o virus in the blood is almost zero
  • Gene therapy

    Gene therapy
    Gene editing may make it possible in the future
  • Stem Cell therapy

    is in the working on making human tissues and even an whole organs