History Final

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    Manifest Destiny

    White settlers believe they deserve land
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    trying to fix America after Civil war, get people rights
  • Klu Klux Klan

    Klu Klux Klan
    extreme racists
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    "everyone" in America can have citizenship
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    Gilded age

    era of very quick growth in cities
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    black men can vote, for real ):/
  • Indians forced into white school

    Indians forced into white school
    cutting hair, school days of an Indian girl
  • telephone

    created by Alexander graham bell
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Native Americans beat U.S. forces and Little Bighorn river
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Give bad land to Indians, good land to whites, separation
  • Wounded knee creek massacre

    Wounded knee creek massacre
    white soldiers mercilessly killed tons on Indians on the Indian land
  • Carnegie steel founded

    Carnegie steel founded
    greatest steel company ever, very rich man
  • overthrow of queen Liliuokalani

    overthrow of queen Liliuokalani
    Americans forced the queen of Hawaii to give up the land
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    court said segregation is legal, "separate but equal"
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    political awakening, fighting for rights and values
  • Spanish American war

    Spanish American war
    America fought Spain for Cubas independence, ended up with some more land
  • Open door policy starts

    Open door policy starts
    everyone can trade with China
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    trying to take over lots of land, often times from other countries
  • building of Panama canal

    building of Panama canal
    great invention of trade river that is man made
  • The jungle

    The jungle
    journalist exposes food industry
  • trust busting/breaking up of standard oil

    trust busting/breaking up of standard oil
    government finally broke up large monopolies, standard oil did not go down without a fight
  • Triangle shirtwaist fire

    Triangle shirtwaist fire
    factory burned down because of the bad conditions
  • Federal reserve act

    Federal reserve act
    creates national banking system, protects money
  • keating Owen child labor act

    keating Owen child labor act
    limited hours and working conditions for kids
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    everyone can vote, even women
  • Prohibition Protests

    Prohibition Protests
    people were rioting about not being able to have alcohol