History Final

  • Hoover inaugurated

    Hoover inaugurated
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  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    In the political cartoon, a figure jumped from a spring board and is labelled "The Stock Market". The pool he is jumping into is just a puddle of water in rocks. This relates to the Stock Market Crash of 1929 because people were spending so much money in stocks and they were all rising rapidly, but eventually it all crashed and people lost everything.
  • Hoovervilles pop up

    The poorest of the poor: Hooverville housing
    With the failure of president Hoover, many poverty-stricken Americans resort to living in shantytowns, dubbed "Hoovervilles"
  • Al Capone opens soup kitchen

    Al Capone opens soup kitchen
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  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The map shows the location of the Dust Bowl as well as the scale of intensity of the dust storms. Oklahoma was affected by the worst of the dust storms.
  • Hoover Dam Approved

    Breaking: Hoover Dam approved for construction
    The Hoover Dam, the largest dam ever planned, is set on construction and is estimated to be completed within 5 years.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Manchuria: Japan's new conquest
    Japan has invaded Manchuria, seeking to gain its raw resources to fuel its war machine
  • Bonus Army march

    Bonus Army march
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  • FDR elected

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected
    FDR has been elected and his radical New Deal aims to solve the Great Depression.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    The Emergency Banking Act only allowed banks to operate if they have been approved and can be sure they won't fail, aiming to restore the nation's confidence in banking.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    The Civilian Conservation Corps was a government work relief program that gave work to unemployed Americans, doing conservation work on forests, parks, and fields.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    In the political cartoon, a barn labelled "Farm Industry" is patched with tar labelled "prices" and "farm poverty". FDR is the painter who says "it's time for a new coat". The Agricultural Adjustment Act subsidized farm prices and allowed farmers to sell their crops at prices that would get them out of debt. This would help fix the farm industry.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority established

    Tennessee Valley Authority established
    The map shows the different places dams and reservoirs constructed by the TVA in the Valley area.
  • Glass-Steagall Act

    The Glass-Steagall Act prevented banks from operating as both commercial and investment banks. This would help make banks more stable.
  • Prohibition Repealed

  • Hot Oil Act

    The Hot Oil Act prohibited the transport of oil over the federal quota, aiming to stop the overproduction of oil.
  • Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act gave employees the right to unions, strikes, and collective bargaining.
  • First Social Security Number Issued

    First Social Security Number Issued
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  • FDR attempts court packing

    FDR attempts court packing
    In this cartoon, FDR is controlling 5 justices who are puppets, labelled "Packed Court". Court packing was FDR's plan to add 5 more justices to Supreme Court. This would mean that he appoints them, and he could appoint very tolerant justices who would vote yes for all of his New Deal legislation.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    The Fair Labor Standards Act established a federal minimum wage, ensuring that all employees were compensated adequately for their work.