History Final

  • Standard Oil is founded (Gilded Age)

    Standard Oil is founded (Gilded Age)
    John D. Rockefeller creates his company, Standard Oil, which would eventually become one of the biggest companies ever. Important milestone for the beginning of the Gilded Age.
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    Gilded Age

    Widespread industrialization and urbanization. A big boom for the rich. Expanding and developing cities appeared glamorous but were very rough for the poor.
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    U.S. Imperialism

    U.S. takes over other lands.
  • Carnegie Steel is founded (Gilded Age)

    Carnegie Steel is founded (Gilded Age)
    Carnegie Steel is founded, eventually expanding into one of the biggest companies in the U.S. and becoming a very major and important supplier of steel for everybody.
  • Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani (U.S. Imperialism)

    Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani (U.S. Imperialism)
    U.S. overthrows the Hawaiian monarchy.
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    The U.S. begins to shape its society through social, economic, political, and other various reforms.
  • Spanish-American War (U.S. Imperialism)

    Spanish-American War (U.S. Imperialism)
    Spain wages war on America after being egged into it.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed (U.S. Imperialism)

    Treaty of Paris is signed (U.S. Imperialism)
    U.S. gains Guam and Puerto Rico, and pays $20 million for the Philippines. Cuba gains autonomy.
  • Building of the Panama Canal (U.S. Imperialism)

    Building of the Panama Canal (U.S. Imperialism)
    America takes over the building of the Panama Canal after helping to liberate Panama from Colombian rule.
  • The Jungle is published (Gilded Age)

    The Jungle is published (Gilded Age)
    Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is published, bringing to light some of the darkness that infested society and affected a good amount of the population.
  • NAACP is founded (Progressivism)

    NAACP is founded (Progressivism)
    NAACP, one of the largest civil rights organizations for the interests and equality of colored folks even today, is founded.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (Gilded Age)

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (Gilded Age)
    The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory catches on fire, killing many workers due to unsafe conditions. Sparked a widespread movement for safer working conditions.
  • Standard Oil monopoly broken up (Progressivism)

    Standard Oil monopoly broken up (Progressivism)
    The Supreme Court rules that the Standard Oil Company is in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Standard Oil is broken into smaller companies.
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act (Progressivism)

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act (Progressivism)
    Limited child labor; if someone employs a person who is under 14, they cannot sell their product. Also limited working hours for children. Currently not around; other laws limit labor.
  • Prohibition Protests (Progressivism)

    Prohibition Protests (Progressivism)
    Alcohol was causing major issues in the country and upping crime rates. Banning it seemed a worthy solution, so people protested.
  • Passing of the 19th Amendment (Progressivism)

    Passing of the 19th Amendment (Progressivism)
    All Americans may vote, even women.