Mexican Constitution
US enters the War
first troops dropped at Sicily, Italy
the Teheran Conference
D-day Normandy, France
Hitler moves into Bunker for 7 months
VE day
Hitler commits suicide
Himmler commits suicide
Mussolini executed by Italian communist forces
bombing of Hiroshima
bombing of Nagasaki
Yalta Conference
Postdam Conferece
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Soviet Blockade of Berlin
Berlin airlift
Soviet Blockade Lifted
U2 Hydrogen Bomb
Jacobo Arbenx elected president
Fidel Castro ran for Orthodox Party
Operation Success
Arbenz resigns
Warsaw Pacr
children playing as cuban revolutionaries
Agrarian Reform Law Cuba
JFK elected president of US
Bay of Pigs
Castro holds a national funeral
National Literacy Campaign
Cuba aligns with USSR
U2 spy planes surveillance, Cuba
Vietnam War
assassination of Che
earthquake strikes Nicaragua
repression, lockdowns by somoza family
Cuban family code
US withdraw military support from Nicaragua
Anastosia Somoza resigns
Sandinitas step into authority
Nicaragua Literacy Campaign
Agrarian Reform for Nicaragua
Nicaragua family laws
Ronald Reagan
approved CIA funded operations against Sandinistas contra wars
Iran Contrast Scandal
US withdraws from negotiations with Sandinistas
Berlin wall torn down
Zapatistas uprise
Mexico gets into NAFTA
1990 elections held for new Nicaragua leaders