History Fair

By aj65
  • Circulatory System

    The first real science-based study in blood was documented in 1616 by the physician William Harvey, who in his study discovered the circulatory system which he documented in his famous monograph Exercitato anatomical` de Motu et sanguinis in Animalibus (the anatomical Exercises Concerning the motion of the Heart and blood in animals).
  • First Blood Transfusion

    The next discovery took place in 1665 by physician Richard Lower an English physician transfused the blood of a dog into another dog, two years later in 1667, Richard Lower transfused the blood of a lamb into a human. These transfusions got the attention of many scientists who aided in the advancement of this technology
  • First Successful Blood Transfusion

    The next discovery took place in 1665 by physician Richard Lower an English physician transfused the blood of a dog into another dog, two years later in 1667, Richard Lower transfused the blood of a lamb into a human. These transfusions got the attention of many scientists who aided in the advancement of this technology.
  • fix

  • Animal-to-Human Blood Transfusion

    In 1875 a German psychologist prove the dangers of animal-to-human blood transfusion, although he couldn't explain the dangers of human-to-human transfusions divide them despite their common occurrences.
  • The Red Cross

  • Blood Types

    1901 that American-born biologist Karl Landsteiner discovered blood types, which he proved to be the common cause of death in blood transfusions. When the blood of different blood types mix the result is a clumping of blood which clogs arteries and cut off the circulation of blood. This knowledge of blood types allowed blood transfusions to be near completely safe.
  • Canned Blood

    1930's that Sergei Yudin discovered blood could be preserved in cadavers for a short time (this technique came to be known as “canned blood”) but sadly the preservation time for this technique was limited to just hours.
  • First Blood Bank

    In 1937 a physician named Bernard Fantus invented the blood bank with preserved blood for an astounding 10 days this study led the pathway to the modern medical research that powers today's 42-day blood preservation period
    (needs to be rewritten)