
By Fiona_A
  • (+1) Billy Bishop

    (+1) Billy Bishop
    More than a quarter of British flyers were Canadian, which brought a lot of respect to Canada's name. Canada was able to prove and earn their respect with their brilliant pilots.
  • (+2) Jeremiah Jones

    (+2) Jeremiah Jones
    ones was part of the 4 Canadian divisions which fought together for the first time under the command of Canadian General Arthur Currie. Jeremiah faught and took a huge step towards Progress towards equality, however, it did not put a stop to the discrimination towards black people. but it is definity a positive aspect since he contributed to this progress.
  • (0) Income tax

    (0) Income tax
    This has both its good and bad sides. the tax money was used for both helping the community and it has been used to make camps for the War Measures Act which is very horrible. that is why i decided to give a rating of 0
  • (-2) War Measures Act

    (-2) War Measures Act
    over working people just because of where they were born. they are treated very disrespectfully and shown discrimination. this is the exact opposite of equality which is why it is rated (-2)
  • (+1) Group Of Seven

    (+1) Group Of Seven
    Brought respect to Canada's name. People started to pay attention more to Canada which meant Canada was given an opportunity to prove its worth. although this has been a great improvement there have been better improvements and that is why i have given it a (+1) rating
  • (-2) Dominion Elections Act

    (-2) Dominion Elections Act
    Limiting people's voice. No equality. leaving out people and not letting them vote just because of their race is the opposite of equality.
  • (+2) Banting and Best Isolate Insulin

    (+2) Banting and Best Isolate Insulin
    Medical progression. Brings respect and recognition for canada. a step towards being respected in front of other countries
  • (+2) Status Indian WWI Veterans Granted Right to Vote

    (+2) Status Indian WWI Veterans Granted Right to Vote
    A step towards equality. bringing the same opportunity for more people.
  • (-1) The Stock Market Crash of 1929

    (-1) The Stock Market Crash of 1929
    The Economy was hurting really badly which led peoples businesses to crash and have a negative effect on most people's mental health.
  • (+2) Japanese-Canadian WWI Veterans in BC Granted Right to Vote

    (+2) Japanese-Canadian WWI Veterans in BC Granted Right to Vote
    This is an improvement because this act is a step towards equality. More people’s voices are being heard.