
  • Facebook launched

    Facebook launched
  • Day I was born

    Day I was born
  • Dog dying

    Dog dying
  • YouTube launched

  • Parents getting engaged

    Parents getting engaged
  • iPhone launched

    iPhone launched
  • Obamo president

    Obamo president
  • Close friend dying

    Close friend dying
  • Micheal Jackson dies

    Micheal Jackson dies
  • Friend moving away

    Friend moving away
  • Mom switching jobs

  • PB gulf spill

    PB gulf spill
  • Osama killed

    Osama killed
  • Cloquet flood

  • Getting new dog

  • Boston marathon bombing

    Boston marathon bombing
  • Cousin graduation and moving away

    Cousin graduation and moving away
  • Orlando shooting

    Orlando shooting
  • Hurricane Mathew

    Hurricane Mathew
  • Brother moving out

  • Trump becoming president

    Trump becoming president