the 20s

  • The Sherman Antitrust act

    The Sherman Antitrust act
    This was an attempt from Teddy Roosevelt when he was "trust busting" who tried to end business monopolies.
  • President Teddy Roosevelt becomes president

    President Teddy Roosevelt becomes president
    Teddy Roosevelt, who was vice president at the time, became president when President McKinley was assasinated.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt and the Panama Canal

    President Theodore Roosevelt and the Panama Canal
    President Roosevelt felt the need that the US needed a canal to ease travel distances for trading.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    This was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, saying that the USA has the right to intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western Hemisphere fufill their obligations.
  • The making of the Bull Moose Party

    The making of the Bull Moose Party
    This party was made by Teddy Roosevelt when the Republican party nominated William Taft to run for president. This branch was also called the Progressive party.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    The Federal Reserve Act was passed by Woodrow Wilson. This act was made to create the Federal Reserve system, which is the Central banking system in the USA.
  • Clayton Antitrust act

    Clayton Antitrust act
    This act provided clarification on the Sherman Antitrust act, to prohibit some actions that lead to business monopolies. This law was made by Woodrow Wilson.
  • Woodrow Wilson became president

    Woodrow Wilson became president
    Woodrow Wilson became president in 1915 when he ran against Eugene V Debs (socialist), William Taft (republican), and Teddy Roosevelt (Bull Moose)
  • The US entered WW1

    The US entered WW1
    President Woodrow Wilson decided to enter the US into the WW1 when Germany went against the their promise to not do unrestricted submarine warfare. Also, Authur Zimmerman wrote the "Zimmerman note" which wanted Mexico to plot against the US in 1917, which made things worse for Germany.
  • Passing of the 19th Amendment

    Passing of the 19th Amendment
    This occured after years of women fighting for women sufferage. President Wilson passed this amendment and gave women the right to vote.
  • Warren Harding became president

    Warren Harding became president
    Warren Harding was elected as president after running against James Cox.
  • Immigration restriction act

    Immigration restriction act
    This is a law that Warren Harding passed that established the immigrant quota system.
  • Harding's speech on Civil Rights

    Harding's speech on Civil Rights
    On this date, President Harding gave a speech in Birmingham Alabama regarding his advocacy in the civil rights including women and African Americans.
  • Sheppard Tower Act

    Sheppard Tower Act
    This is a law that Warren Harding passed to provide federal oversight for state infantry morality programs and women's and children's health care.
  • Calvin Coolidge became president

    Calvin Coolidge became president
    Calvin Coolidge was elected president in 1923 and ran against John Davis (democrat) and Robert LaFollete (progressive).
  • Soldiers' Bonus Bill

    Soldiers' Bonus Bill
    Congress wanted to pass a law that gave veterans 20 year annuities. This was given to Coolidge to veto or pass, and he vetoed this bill.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    Indian Citizenship Act
    During Calivin Coolidge's presidency, he was passed this act to give Native Americans citizenship.
  • McNary-Haugen Bill

    McNary-Haugen Bill
    This was a bill forwarded to Coolidge in 1928, but was vetoed. This bill was in hopes to subsidize American agriculture by raising domestic prices of farm products.
  • President Hoover was president

    President Hoover was president
    Hoover was elected into office in 1929 since Coolidge didnt want to run for the 2nd term.
  • The Great Depression started

    The Great Depression started
    This event started while President Hoover was in office. This was when the stocks crashed, unemployment rates skyrocketed, and resources ran extremely low.
  • Smoot- Hawley Tariff

    Smoot- Hawley Tariff
    This act was passed by Hoover that raised tariffs by almost 50% on over 20,000 imported goods.
  • Federal Home Loan Act

    Federal Home Loan Act
    This was President Hoover's attempt to lower the cost to buy a home. This was crucial during the depression.