La fuerza centrifuga de la tierra podria hacernos flotar ampliacion


  • 200,000 BCE

    Riss Glaciation

    The glaciation known as Riss in Europe , as of Illinois in America and other names in other parts of the world began 200,000 years ago and ended 140 000, all during the Pleistocene .
  • 110,000 BCE

    Wurm Glaciation

    The last glacial period began about 110,000 years ago and had its heyday some 20 000 years ago. He had a dramatic collapse some 12 000 years ago.
  • 58,000 BCE

    Mindel glaciation

    The glaciation known as Mindel in Europe and as Kansas in America it is estimated that began 580,000 years ago and ended 390,000, although these dates are subject to review, since it seems that the frequency of ice ages was higher. It is glaciation in the ice reached its greatest extent
  • Period: 9000 BCE to 4000 BCE


    The Neolithic is divided into three phases: Early Neolithic (phase I)
    Middle Neolithic (phase II)
    Neolithic end (phase III).
    Today the Neolithic period is defined precisely because the knowledge and use of agricultural or grazing
  • 6000 BCE


  • Period: 6000 BCE to 2500 BCE

    stone age

  • Period: 4600 BCE to 4500 BCE

    hadico eon

    The planet Earth is formed from the accretion disk surrounding a young Sun with organic compounds necessary (complex organic molecules) for life to exist, perhaps formed in the protoplanetary disk of cosmic dust surrounding him before the formation of earth.
  • Period: 4100 BCE to 3800 BCE


    Late heavy bombardment : rain astronomical impacts of meteorites on the inner planets. The thermal flow derived from hydrothermal activity during the bombing could have led to abiogenesis and a primitive diversification of life. 11 found traces of biological material in rocks 4,100 million years in Western Australia . December 13 Some researchers say that "if life arose on Earth relatively quickly (...) could be nomal in the universe .
  • 4000 BCE


    Training Greenstone Belt of gneiss Acasta of the Labrador massif , in the Northwest Territories ( Canada ). It is the world's oldest rock belt. 10
  • 4000 BCE

    metal age

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 2500 BCE


  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    copper age

    The copper , along with gold and silver , one of the first metals used in prehistoric times,perhaps because sometimes appears as native metal nuggets.The copper smelting technique is relatively simple, provided the minerals used are carbonates of copper extracted metalliferous a reservoir; the key is that the oven reaches the proper temperature, which was accomplished by injecting air or bellows blowing through long nozzles. This system is called "metal reduction.
  • Period: 3900 BCE to 2500 BCE


    Appear cells similar to prokaryotas . 14 These first organisms are chemotrophs : use of carbon dioxide as a source of carbon and oxidize inorganic materials to extract energy. Later, prokaryotas developed the glycolysis , a set of chemical reactions that release energy from organic molecules such as glucose and stored in the chemical bonds of ATP . Glycolysis and ATP still present today, almost unchanged, in almost all organisms.
  • 3800 BCE


    Training Isua Greenstone Belt , west of Greenland , where the rock samples a frequency of isotopes that suggests the presence of life. The oldest evidence of life on Earth is the graphite biogenic found in metasedimentary rocks of 3.7 thousand million years in Greenland and the fossils of microbial mat found in sandstones of 3480 million years in Western Australia .
  • 3500 BCE


    Life period last universal common ancestor differentiation occurs between bacteria and archaea .
    Bacteria develop primitive forms of photosynthesis which at first do not produce oxygen . These organisms generate ATP exploiting a electrochemical gradient , a mechanism still used in virtually all organisms.
  • 3000 BCE


    Evolve cyanobacteria photosynthetic: water used as reducing agent , thereby producing oxygen as a waste product mode. Initially, the oxygen oxidizes the iron dissolved in the oceans, creating iron ore. The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere rises slowly, acting as poison to many bacteria and triggering at the time the Great Oxidation .
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1500 BCE

    bronze age

    the results from bronze copper alloy (90%) + tin (10%) approximately obtaining a harder and resistant metal. he gave the appearance of the first State, the first political authority. -The social organization was made more complex than in the Neolithic villages. Disappearance of social equality -create in the Fertile Crescent to the fourth millennium BC.
  • 2600 BCE


    En el Paleoproterozoico se produce una gran expansión de los cratones que propicia el desarrollo de plataformas continentales con extensas comunidades de tapices microbianos que se manifiestan en el registro geológico por una gran abundancia de estromatolitos, ya abundantes y variados hace unos 2.200 millones de años. También empiezan a aparecer los acritarcos, fósiles que al no conservar una morfología distintiva son difíciles de identificar.
  • Period: 2500 BCE to 542 BCE

    proterozoic eon

  • 1600 BCE


    In mesoproterozoic also they begin to appear fossil fuels such as Bangiomorpha pubescens , which resemble certain red algae present, although they are questionable as they might cyanobacterial colonies. A sample of Mesoproterozoic have Tappania , it might be the predecessor of the lineage that led to the fungus , although it could also be a colony of actinomycetes stringy.
  • 1500 BCE

    iron age

    -The Iron Age is the stage in the development of a civilization in which we discover and popularize the use of iron as a material for making weapons and tools. - in some ancient societies, metallurgical technologies necessary to work the iron appeared simultaneously with other technological and cultural changes , often including changes in agriculture, religious beliefs and artistic styles, although that has not always been the case.
  • 542 BCE


    La glaciación más extensa conocida en el registro geológico se produjo durante el Período Criogénico, cuando las capas de hielo posiblemente alcanzaron el ecuador y se formó una Tierra bola de nieve. Los primeros fósiles de vida pluricelular proceden del Período Ediacárico, incluidos los primeros animales.
  • Period: 542 BCE to

    eon fanerozoico

  • Period: 542 BCE to 251 BCE


    Geológicamente, el Paleozoico se inicia poco después de la desintegración del supercontinente Pannotia y acaba con la formación del supercontinente Pangea. El Paleozoico abarca desde la proliferación de animales con concha o exoesqueleto hasta el momento en que el mundo empezó a ser dominado por los grandes reptiles y por plantas relativamente modernas,El Paleozoico comprende los periodos Cámbrico, Ordovícico, Silúrico, Devónico, Carbonífero y Pérmico.
  • Period: 476 BCE to Oct 31, 1453

    middle ages

    Since the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance (last third of s XV) Synthesis of religion and life
    Origins of Europe: Christianization of the classical tradition revived by the Church and her entry into the barbarians.
    High Middle Ages (V - X)
    Full Middle Ages (XI - XIII)
    Crisis of the Late Middle Ages (XIV - XV)
    discovery of America
    invention of printing,the fall of the Byzantine Empire
  • Period: 251 BCE to 66 BCE


    la era de los dinosaurios o botánicamente como la era de las cícadas.La extinción de casi todas las especies animales al final del Pérmico permitió la radiación de numerosas formas de vida nuevas. En particular, la extinción de los grandes herbívoros y los carnívoros Dinocephalia dejaron vacíos estos nichos ecológicos. .La Era Mesozoica se divide en tres periodos: Triásico, Jurásico y Cretácico
  • Period: 66 BCE to


    l Cenozoico también se le llama la era de los mamíferos, animales que, al extinguirse los dinosaurios a finales del Cretácico, sufrieron una extraordinaria radiación adaptativa y pasaron a ser la fauna característica. Hace unos 30 millones de años surgieron los primeros primates superiores (los más primitivos estaban ya presentes hace más 65 millones de años), aunque Homo sapiens no apareció hasta hace unos 200 000 añ divide en tres períodos, Paleógeno, Neógeno y Cuaternario,
  • Period: Oct 30, 1493 to

    modern age

    HUMANISM AND antihumanism Christianity
    The intellectuals and politicians of the Renaissance are Christians, Corruption and ignorance of the clergy. Fullness and Renaissance crisis
    Protestant revolution.
    The Counter. The wars of religion. Westphalia. The breakdown of the Europe of Christianity,
    Rationalism The absolute monarchies.
    The English revolutions.
    The Old Regime: the enlightened despotism. Illustration. although minority entire classes
  • Oct 30, 1500

    old age

    From the early history until the fall of the Western Roman Empire (V s) classical Greco-Roman civilization
    Maximum expression of human knowledge by his own natural forces
    Home of Christianization Chases 313 380 Constantino Christian religious freedom Teodosio Empire
    Crisis of the Third Century
    Home of the barbarian invasions
    Decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire (V s)
  • Period: to

    contemporary age

    From the liberal revolution
    It is the time of the Revolution
    It has given rise to more wars, killings, hatred among nations, racism, more exploitation, resentments class, genocides and holocausts, Secularism imposed censorship of any mention of God and postmodern irrationality.
    Kant proclaims that we must dare to know, sapere aude , but he does not dare to know reality itself, because it leads to rational demonstration of the existence of God; morality makes rely on voluntarism.