WWI History

  • Archiduke Franz Ferdinand was kill

    This assassination made problems between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
  • WWI starts

    Auatria-Hungary declares war on Serbia starting the world war
  • Germany establish the Schliefen plan

    Germany wanted to conquer France by invading belguim
  • Germany conquer Belguim

    Finally Germany cross Belguim to attack France
  • Austria-Hungary invades Russia

    Germany participate to in the war beacuse he was allied with Austria.Hungary
  • first battle

    allied forces halt German advice into France during First Battle of the Mame
  • Battle of Verdun

  • Italy

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
  • Battle of the Somme begins

  • Naval Battle

    Naval Battle of Jutland takes place between British and German fleets
  • Russian revolution

  • USA joined the war

  • End of first battle between the French and German

    Battle of verdum ends with 550,000 Frenchand 450,000 German casualties
  • The war was ended

  • The US joins WW

    US declares war to Germany
  • Treaty of versailles