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History Class Timeline 2016-2017

  • The Declaration of Independece

    The Declaration of Independece
    The second Continental Congress made the most cherished document. It was written by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence was the reason that Britain separated and prove the rights of the government which when Untied States was made.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    In 1803 two explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set off for the western movement. The bought the land from the French.
  • Lewis and Clark's Journey West

    A group of explorers explored the Louisiana Territtory and lands west; also know as the Corps of Discovery.
  • The Trail of Tears

    By 1820s about 100,000 Native Americans remained east of the Mississippi River. Most lived in the Southeast.
  • The Texas War for Independence

    Texans met at a settlement called Washington-on-the-Brazos to decide what to do about Santa Ann's troops.
  • The Mexican American War

    Mexican unit crossed the Rio Grande and ambushed an American patrol. Polk sent a rousing war message to congress, saying "Mexico...has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil."
  • The Attack on The Fort Sumter

    The Attack on The Fort Sumter
    The Confederate troops started to Civil War by attacking the South Carolina. Many states didn't join the confederacy. The Great Britain only supported Confederacy because they were low of raw cotton in the south.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Lincoln gave a speak that was called the Gettysburg Address. What he made clean was the bravery of the Union soldiers and renewed his commitment to winning the Civil War.
  • Yellowstone National Park

    Yellowstone National Park
    Yellowstone is mostly in Wyoming. There are about 58 national parks today and yellow stone is only one of them. Yellowstone park has a verity of animals. It has over 334 areas of land. It was the first national park in the United States.
  • The California Gold Rush

    Just one month before Mexico lost California to the United Stats, a carpenter named James Marshall made an important discovery. While building a sawmill in northern California he found a shiny stone in a near by river. Witch started the California Gold Rush.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The stock markets crashed and the banks shut down and many kids were at work. The kids would work at danger levels for work like orster shutters, miners,snipers, and some worked at flower shops. They didn't get pain for the work they did once banks shut down they were off of work.
  • The Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education

    The Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education
    The brown v. Bored of Education had five school cases in Delaware,Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington D.C. On May 17, 1954 the supreme Court discuses the ruling on Brown v. Bored of Education. The all kids were aloud to go to the same school.
  • Beatles came to American

    Beatles came to American
    The beatle invitation began. In the London airport early morning they came. They went to New York first. The USA only knew a couple recordings. It was important because a lot of people liked their music that they made.
  • September 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001
    A plane flew into the World Trade Center. The World Trade Center was a very important building in New York City. 3,000 Americans were died on that day.
  • Happy Birthday to me

    Happy Birthday to me
    This is the day i was born
  • Johnny Cash died

    Johnny Cash died
    He was a singer,songwriter, actor,author, and he played guitar. He sold about 90 million records around world. He wrote country music. He was born on February 26, 1932 and died September 12, 2003.
  • First Year of Middle School

    First Year of Middle School
    On this day all the six graders from the year before came up to middle school. New Holland, Blue-ball, and Breakneck came together at Garden Spot Middle School. School starts at 7:22 and ends at 2:32. Garden Spot Middle school has their sport practices after school.