The Declaration Of Independince
I sighing of are freedom from great britian. -
The Texes War for Independence
Texans raised the offical flag for independence nation of texas, nicknamed the Lone Star Republic. Sam Houston was elected President.But many texens wanted to be part of the U.S(McDoughal-lettell,429) -
The Mexican American War
A Mexican crossed the Rio Grande and ambushed an american patrol.Polk sent a rousing war message to congrees saying Mexico.... had invaded are territory and shed american blood upon the American soil. (McDoughal-lettell,434). -
The Califonia Gold Rush
just one mouth befor Califonia lost to the United States , a carpender nemed james marshall made and inmoprtant discovery .while building a sawmill in northern Califoinia, he saw a shiny stone in the nerby American River. He later said, " my eye was caught by a glimpse of somthing shining...It made my heart thump i was cirain it was gold.(McDoughal-lettell,438). -
The Dooner Party
The Donner Party (sometimes called the Donner-Reed Party) was a group of American pioneers who set out for California in a wagon train. Delayed by a series of mishaps, they spent the winter of 1846–47 snowbound in the Sierra Nevada. Some of the immigrants resorted to cannibalism to survive, eating those who had succumbed to starvation and sickness.(American:The story Of US,Westward) -
Fort Sumer
Some things that happened during fort sumer was a federal outpost in charleston south caralina, that was attacked by troops, in the beginning of the civil war. Holt Mcdougal 509,513 -
The First Apperance of Batman
The first apperance of batman was in a detective comic book. -
Battle of the Coral Sea
Two planes clashed and that is what made the Battle of the Coral Sea -
Battle of Lyte Gulf
One thing about this battle is that it was the bigest battle in history.Holt McDougal -
Death of Elvis
I reason why it might be inportant is becasue some people might have thought he was a good singer. -
My birthday
This is the day of my birthday! -
September 11, 2001
About 3,000 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks Pg.956 Holt Mcdougal -
Brown V, board of education
Where they mad a rule about white people and black people. -
The Louisana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Jounery West
The Louisiana Purchase was when the united states bought land form france. The lewis and clark jounery was when lewis and clark journeyed to the western side of America and meet native americand and found new plants and animals(Mcdougal-littell,344).