The Declaration of Independence
Also known as "the Fourth of July", this holiday stands for the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. The name of the document says it all... This was a letter to the king o England from the exsisting colonies demanding freedom. This was the beginning of the Revolutionary War, and henceforth the beginning of America. -
Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was invented to pull apart cotton to make cotton easier to make into cloth. -
The Lousiana Purchase
During this time, President Jefferson bought the western part of the country from France. This was a big leap for America, and they grew over double in size. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
This was the first exploation party to set out to the newly claimed land. This helped start the expantion of the population. The expedition was very dangerous, but very important to the mayiond -
The Steamboat
Robert Fulton invented a boat that used an engine, and carried goods up and down the Missisippi River -
The Texas Revolution
The Texas Revolution took place bettween the Texas Colonists and the Mexican governement, and resulted in a Texan win. -
The Mexican-American War
When Texas was its own country for a short time, the Mexican government waged war on America for taking Texas as a state, because Mexico believed that Texas was still their land. The war lasted until 1848 -
the Donner Party
The Donner party was a party going west to California and got stuck in the mountain and they ate each other. -
The California Gold Rush
This was a time of growth in America. Thousands of Americans went out to California to find the gold that could be mined there. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was positioned in the Charleston Harbor. Fearing an attack, Major Robert Anderson moved his 85 soldiers into the fort. They were running out of food, and the military had enough of sending food to the fort. So they attacked, and the Civil War began. -
The Sinking of the Titanic
The titanic was a large passenger liner that sank on this day after colliding with an iceburg during her maiden voyage. It was on the way to America. -
The Peanut's First Appearance
The first ever Peanuts comic strip was debuted on this date. This was ranked eighth in the TV Guide's 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time. -
Brown vs The Board of Education
Schools were segeragated between African American children and white children. The case was whether or not this separation was constitutional or illegal. It was decided that this was in violation of the 14th amendment, and was therefore unconstitutional. This was the start of stopping racism. -
The Death of Elvis
At 42 years old, Elvis died of heart failure. It was a shock to the world that the biggest person in music at the time had passed away, and it changed music forever. -
My Birthday
This is my birthday. -
9/11 Attacks
On September 11, 2001, there were 3 terrorist attacks in the United States. Two planes crashed into the two World Trade Centers, one plane hit the Pentagon, and a hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania on the way to the White House. These events caused the U.S. to update its security systems. -
The Donner Party