Signing of the Declaration
This is the day that America Declared its Independence from Britian. The founding fathers then worked to establish the United States of America. Without this we would still be a part of England and wouldn't be able to enjoy the freedoms that living in America provides. -
Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
Eli Witney invented the Cotton Gin during the Industrial Revolution. Cotton was a huge cash crop in the South at the time so Eli invented the Cotton gin to speed up produciton. His invention takes the seeds from the cotton, and cleans it. Before it was invented it took and average worker a day to clean one pound of cotton, and now they could clean 50 pounds of cotton in a day! (American History Book, 372-373) -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson sent US representatives to meet with Neopolian about purchasing New Orleans. Western farmers were becoming very angry because the French closed the Port so they couldn't ship their goods through New Orleans. Jefferson was afraid the farmers may want to go to war with the French over it, so as a late effort attempted to buy the New Orleans Port. Neopolian came back and said he would sell the entire Louisiana terroritory for 15 million dollars. (American History Book, 344) -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark were choosen by president Jefferson to explore the Louisana Terroritroy. They went on the three year journey enduring harsh climates and landscpes to become the first white men to go west. They only lost one man due to their Indian guide, a sixteen year old girl Sacagwea. She was incredibly vital to the expedition. Lewis and Clark documented the wildlife they saw, and establishd treaties with the native Americans. (American History Book, 345-349) -
The Steamboat
Robert Fulton invented the first successful Steamboat, and it made its journey into history on August 7, 1807 where it traveled from New York to Albany.The Steam boat was able to go upstream, and made trips much faster and easier. This helped the transfer of goods and people to become much more efficient. But in its early stages Steamboats were very dangerous and casued a lot of causalties. Eventually though, the Steamboat would play a huge role in changing world. (inventors.about.com) -
The Trail of Tears
The Trail of Tears is when the United States drove Native Americans fromt their land and forced them to move out West and live on reservations. While president Andrew Jackson and the government at the time was technically not allowed to remove Native Americans from their land they did it anyway. The Chotcaw,Creeks, and Cherokee tribes were some of the tribes forced to walk thousands of miles to Reservations. For many of them this was a Death March. (www,history.com) -
Texas Revolution
The Texas Revolution wnet from 1835-1836. This was the battles between American colonists who lived in Texas and the Mexicans over control of the state. After the final battle the Republic of Texas was established.The final battle was ended with an American surpise attack. This made Texas its own Nation, but it offere to join the United States. (American History Book, 429-431) -
The Mexican American War
Thr Mexian American war was fought between the United States and Mexico from 1846-1848. It was the first war ever fought on American Soil. American was expanding and fought against the Mexicans for control of California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. In the end America won the war and gained 1/3 of Mexico's territory.(American History Book, 435-436 -
The Donner Party
The Donner Party was one of the many groups of poineers who moved out West for better life. They decided to take a shortcut that was to cut 300 miles off their trip when they came to the Seirra Mountains. This "shortcut" added more miles on their trip, and broke their wagon axle making them to stop to make repairs. That night it snowed with drifts of 20 feet trapping them in for three months causing them to eat their food, horses, and eventually resort to cannibalism. (eyewitnesstohistory.com) -
The California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush went from 1848-1858 and sent many people to California to try their luck. James Marshall found gold in a California River causing many immagrants and citizens to flood to California to find wealth. Many of these people did not find the gold that they were looking for but instead caused America to become more diverse by drawing in many different cultures, and races. (American History Book, 438-439) -
Fort Sumter
After years of conflict the first battle of the Civil War was fought at Fort Sumter in Charlestown South Carolina.
(http://www.nps.gov/fosu/index.htm) -
The Alamo
The Battle of Alamo took place in San Antonia Texas where the Texas Soldiers tried to hold off Santa Anna's Army. The Teaxans declared themselves an independent and free nation. The Texas Army consisted of two companies that together numbered around 580 men. The Mexicans demanded they surrender, but they replied with a cannon shot. They held off the attack for 12 days. At the end of the battle over 1,000 mexicans were dead, and only 7 Americans lived. (American History Book, 429-430) -
Assassination of President Lincoln
John Wilkes snuck up behind president Lincoln and shot him in the head at Fords Theater in Washington D.C. 6 days after the Confederates surrendered. Lincoln died the next day in a house across the road paying the ultimate price for abolishing slavery. Wilkes escaped but was later found and killed in a barn. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Japanese launched a surpise attack on Pearrl Harbor bombing the military base in Pearl harbor Hawaii. They took out millitary equipment and killed over 2,500 people. This caused America to retaliate, pulling us into the conflict of what would become World War II. -
Pesident Kennedy Assassination
In Dallas Texas while campaigning president Kennedy was riding through the streets in a convertible car and was shot twice, once in the head and in the back. He was pronounced dead at 1:00 pm. Lee Harvey Oswald was later captured as the lone gunman, but then murdered before being questioned leaving us wondering what really happpend. -
Brown vs. The Board of Education
This is when 5 school segregaion cases came together under the title of Brown vs. The Board of Education. "Brown" was a a seven year old girl who could not attend the school close to her house due to her skin color. The court ruled in favor of Brown making segration in Public Facilities illegal. (United States History Book) -
USA Walks on the Moon
On July 20th, 1969 America becomes the first nation to send men to the moon, and Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to step foot on the moon. This makes a statement to other nations that America is superpower, and helped us expand our knowledge on space exploration. -
The Death of Elvis
In Memphis Tennesee 42 year old Elvis Presley is found dead in the bathroom of his house. He is believed to have died of drug overdose. This was the end of the King of rock and roll and the end of an era.
(http://elvisforver.tripod.com/id3.html) -
My Birthday
I was born on this day 13 years ago. -
September 11th
On this day terrorists hijacked commercial airliners and attacked America by flying planes into the twin towers, the pentagon, and may have attempted to attack the White House. This killed thousands of innocent people and forever changed America.