
History Chemistry

  • 1976 BCE

    chemistry of today

    chemistry of today
    This place invites us to know some questions of this wonderful and bottomless universe that is the human creation. In this case across the knowledge of the matter, his properties, his transformations …
  • 400 BCE


    The Prehistory corresponds to the period of the history that it precedes to the invention of the writing (Event that marks the beginning of the historical times registered), that happened approximately in 4000 B.C. The Prehistory is the stage of the History of the humanity where the social relations begin
  • 450

    The chemistry in the exage

    The chemistry in the exage
    It is when they begin to carve the stones, giving them form of top of lance or of edge butchers. New instruments were born: the knife and the lance, which they modified the way of hunting, of processing his food and simultaneously they discovered the usefulness of the animal skins.
  • 500


    The alchemy is an esoteric belief that is linked to the transmutation of the matter. The practices and experiences of the alchemy were key in the original development of the chemistry, while the alchemists were looking for the stone filosofal to transform any metal into gold.
  • Dec 24, 1493


    The alchemy is an esoteric belief that is linked to the transmutation of the matter. The practices and experiences of the alchemy were key in the original development of the chemistry, while the alchemists were looking for the stone filosofal to transform any metal into gold.
  • ploghiston theory

    ploghiston theory
    The interest for this phenomenon was taking root in the possibility of finding new applications to the fire and, `por way of the steam engine, increasing East interest took the chemists to a new conscience of the fire. According to the former Greek conceptions, The notions alquímicas were similar, except that the fuels were conceived as something that was containing the beginning of "sulphur" (not necessarily the royal sulphur)
  • Chemistry, scientific activity

    Chemistry, scientific activity
    1) Marie Curie, physics and teacher of Mathematical and Physical French known by his important discoveries related to the radioactivity. 2) Rosalind Franklin, chemistry and cristalógrafa Englishwoman, who realized crucial contributions for the knowledge of the DNA. 3) Hipatia, teacher and philosopher Greek Neo-Platonist, though born in Egypt, emphasized in Mathematics and Astronomy.