The Kingdom of Israel 1000 B.C
The Israelites had setup in a kingdom called Israel. The king David had combined Israel rival tribes and David's son Soloman had made Jerusalm into a very good capital. -
Jan 1, 650
Sparta transform to a military state 900 B.C.
In 900 B.C. Sparta became a all military state. At the age of 7 kids started to train for a life time in the military. Training was also very grueling. -
Jan 1, 700
Greak epansion 700 B.C.
Beacuse of lack of fertile land the Greeks decide to expand over seas, Greek colonies were scattered all around the Mediterian. -
Sep 1, 1000
Philorosphers arive 345 B.C
Philosphers were men that loved knowledge. Socrates was the first philosopher ever. He began teaching his student Plato that spread it on even more. -
Sep 1, 1010
Conquest of Persia 334 B.C.
Alexander set out to conquesr Persia in 334 B.C.. Alexander had founded manyy new cities. He had conquered a empire from the Mediteranian Sea to the Middle East and India. -
Sep 1, 1200
Rise of Julius Cesar 51 B.C.
Julius Cesar rose to the top of Rome when Rome plunged into many civil wars. He had won the war for Rome and became the senate. He got killed because his enimeies were jealous of his power. -
Sep 1, 1250
Jesus is Born 4 B.C.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, not far from Jerusalm. The gossepels told Mary that her baby was sent from God to be the messiah to lead the Jews to freedom. -
Sep 1, 1300
Jesus gets Crucified 30 A.D.
The Roman autorities felt like Jesus was a threat because his speeches could inflame those eager to end Roman rule so the Romans whent and crucified Jesus in 30 B.C. -
Sep 2, 1350
Paul Spreads Christianity 50 A.D
Paul was a man that wanted to destroy the upcomng Christian community but one day he had a dream where Jesus came to him and told him to go spread Christianity to places outside of Jerusalm. -
Sep 1, 1500
Justinian Code 527 A.D.
Justinian was the leader of the Byzantine Empire. He collected revised and organized all of the Roman laws and made The Justinian Code. -
William The Conqueror 1066 A.D.
In 1066 A.D. William the Conqueror assembled the throne of England. Slowely over centruies Williams succesors maneuvard to increase royal power over feudal lords and the church. -
Spread of Learning 1100 A.D.
In the 1100s learning was being spread by the making of schools. Some of the schools bacame universities. Europeans gaoined a boost of knowlege at the time. -
Common Law 1154 A.D.
In 1154 Henry II took the throne. Henry found ways to expand customs into laws. The desicions of the royal court became the foundation of the English law -
Magna Carta 1215 B.C.
The Magna Carta contained two important prinicpals. 1st the nobels had certain rights, and second was the monarch must obey the law. -
Parliament 1295 A.D.
The Magna Carta in the 1200s developed into Parliament. It setup the frame work of Englands legislature. After a while it developed into a two body house. The 2nd house had Knights and middle class citizens. -
Absolute Monarch 1611 A.D.
In 1611 England became a absolute monarch, a ruler with complete authority over the government and the lives of people. The Monarch and Parlament always clashed for money and power. -
The English Bill of Rights 1689 B.C.
The English Bill of Rights came from laws that were made by the Parlament.The Bill of Rights ensured arch to summon the Parlament regularly. It affermed the principal of Habeas Corpus and made a limited monarchy. -
Changes in Warfare 650 B.C
In 650 B.C. iron weapons started to replace bronze weapons. Since iron was cheaper it allowed more families coud affored to buy these things. -
Age of Pericles 460 B.C.
In the age of Pericles the Athens were under a direct democracy. The Athenian assembly also met many times a month at that time. -
The scattering of Jews 586 B.C
In 586 B.C the scattering of Jews began when the captivity ended the Jews scattered around parts of Europe and Asia, and some of Africa. -
A New Government 509 B.C.
The Romans set up a new government in which people chose some officials. They called it the "thing of people". Each year the senators elected two conuls. At the event of war the senator can choose a dictator, a ruler who has complete control over the government.