
By oprf
  • neutrality act

    neutrality act
    allowing for arms trade with belligerent nations Great Britain and France on a cash-and-carry basis, thus in effect ending the arms embargo.
  • growth of fast food chain restaurant

    growth of fast food chain restaurant
    the frist Mc donalds open which started a new chain restaurant
  • lend-lease act

    lend-lease act
    lend-leaseIn march 11, 1941 congress approved the lend-lease act symbolically number 1776, after another debate between isolationists and interventionists.
  • AAC Army Auxiliary Corp

    AAC Army Auxiliary Corp
    In 1941 congress women edith nourse rogeres introduced a hill to establish women's Army Auxiliary Corp.
  • Germany vs Soviet union

    Germany vs Soviet union
    Germany had gone to war against the Soviet Union and by november, war against the U.S. seemed inevitable
  • G.I.Bill of right

    G.I.Bill of right
    G.I.Right billThe G.I.Bill of rights is signed into law providing benefits for veterans.
  • attack on pearl harbor

    attack on pearl harbor
    attack on pearl harborthe japanese unsuspecting attack pearl harbor a U.S.navy base in Hawaii.
  • Government setup production

    Government setup production
    In january, the government set up the war production borad to over see the conversion industry to war
  • executive order

    executive order
    the president issued executive orders 9066 designating certain area as war removed for any reason
  • civil right leader

    civil right leader
    in 1942 civil right leader found congress of racial-equality an organiztion that sought to apply non-violent protest as a means of fighting segregtion.
  • coal sea battle

    coal sea battle
    A second event, the battle also helped to kindle hope for american millitary in the pacific
  • frist american offensive

    frist american offensive
    second offiensivethe frist american offensive in the pacific took place in august 1942 with an assault on guadalcanal in the soloman island.
  • meeting between prime minster winston churchhill and president Roosevelt

    meeting between prime minster winston churchhill and president Roosevelt
    Prime minster Winston Churchhill and president Franklin D.Roosevelt met in casablanca, morocco to plan the next move strategy for the next phase of world war two aganist the soviet union.
  • american faces crushing defeat

    american faces crushing defeat
    the United states encounters it's frist major defeat in european theater of world war two at the battle for kasserine pass.
  • summer migration

    summer migration
    Deroit race riotIn the summer of 1943, migration led to racial violcnce in some cities call the Detroit race riot.
  • Franklin D.Roosevelt gained fouth term

    Franklin D.Roosevelt gained fouth term
  • lend-lease act put in affect

    lend-lease act put in affect
    lend-lease actBy 1945, the united states had sent more 40 million of lend-lease to aid the allied forces.
  • first U.N.general assembly

    first U.N.general assembly
    The first meeting of the U.N.general assembly occur after its founding on oct.24
  • The Soviet blocked

    The Soviet blocked
    The Soviet Union begins it's land blocked of the allied sectors of Berlin Germany. A blockade by the west was put into effect as a british and U.S. airlift of supplies and food until both blockade are lifted.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    NATONATO is a intergovernmental military alliance base on the north atlanitc treaty that was signed in april.4,1949