
  • Trench warfare

    Trench warfare
    Trench warfare is a type of land warfare using occupied fighting lines consisting largely of military trenches, in which troops are well-protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery. The most famous use of trench warfare is the Western Front in World War I.
  • Econmy

    The economic history of World War I covers the methods used by the First World War (1914–1918), as well as related postwar issues such as war debts and reparations. It also covers the economic mobilization of labor, industry and agriculture. ... The Allies had much more potential wealth they could spend on the war.
  • New Wepons WW 1

    New Wepons WW 1
    Rifles. All nations used more than one type of firearm during the First World War.
    Machine guns. Most machine guns of World War 1 were based on Hiram Maxim's 1884 design
    Poison gas.