
History Byzantine

  • 526 BCE

    Justinian’s Golden Age Begins

    The rule of Justinian which began in 526 and lasted until 565 is often considered a golden age of early Byzantine period. Justinian undertook the ambitious plan of restoring the Empire’s glory and was successful in retaking Italy, Sicily, Rome, Spain and Africa, adding them to the Byzantine Empire. It was also during his period that some of the most iconic Byzantine architecture, including the Hagia Sophia, was constructed.
  • 476 BCE

    Byzantine Empire survives the fall of Rome

    The Western Roman Empire, which was based in the heartland of Rome in Italy, came to an end in the face of the attacks of Germanic tribes. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 left the Eastern Roman Empire as the sole surviving legacy of the original Roman Empire. The Eastern portion began to be called the Byzantine Empire around this period.
  • 330 BCE

    Constantinople is Founded

    Emperor Constantine made the city of Byzantium as his residence in 330 A.D. He consequently changed the city’s name to Constantinople and made it the capital of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 700

    7th century Muslims Threaten the Empire

    Muslims from the deserts of Arabia began raiding out in the 7th century. They took on both the Persian and the Byzantine Empire, winning many decisive victories. The Byzantine Empire suffered losses in the face of these battlefield defeats and lost many vital provinces to the Muslims during the century. These include Egypt, Palestine, Syria and North Africa.
  • 716

    Unsuccessful Siege of Constantinople

    The Muslims followed their successes against the Empire in the 7th century by reaching as far as the capital city of the Empire, Constantinople, and laying siege to it. The first of such sieges was laid in 7th century but failed. A larger Muslim force laid siege to the city in 717, using a land force as well as a naval force. The attackers could not penetrate the defences of the city and the siege consequently failed by 718.
  • 900

    Restoration of the Empire’s glory

    The Byzantine Empire was ruled by the Macedonian dynasty from the 9th to 11th centuries. During this period, the Byzantine Empire fended off the attacks of the Bulgars, reconquered Syria from Muslim control and Greece from Bulgar control and decisively defeated a Russian fleet in 941.