Absolutism and Revolution unit 2

  • Thirty year's war

    Thirty year's war
    The wars started because of the unbalanced power. Defenestration of Prague was a event where protestants threw 2 officials out a window. This was very important because it both widened the European war and was the start of the thirty year's war. 1619, the new emperor tried to fix this with force. After years of fighting, Peace of Westphalia ended the wars. It was important because it put peace in the European wars and it also solved international problems
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    Thirty year's war

  • English bill of rights

    English bill of rights
    the English bill of rights was used to make a separation in power and it was passed by the Parliament. it gave the people solid rights. the English bill of rights made a foundation for the US bill of rights.
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    English bill of rights

  • War of the Austrian Succession

    War of the Austrian Succession
    the war started when Charles VI died. Maria, his daughter, became Queen of Austria in 1740. A few states didn't agree on having a female have the ability of accession so they took Charles Albert as having the Austrian thrown.1740, Frederick II of Prussia seized a Hapsburg province of Silesia. This was the start of the War of the Austrian Succession. In the end Prussia was left with the possession of Silesia. All of the colonial or other conflicts that France and Britain had were done.
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    War of the Austrian Succession

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    When Britain was in dept, the British looked to america and made a tax on paper in order to save their dept. The Americans revolted, enraged by this. This act's tax, along with other taxes, lead to the rebellion of the american colonies.
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    American Revolution

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    Stamp Act

  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The Americans already had tension with the British but after the stamp act, Townsend act and tea act, they started to revolt. Soon the Boston massacre happened, Boston teas party, and other revolts came. the fight at Chesapeake was a turn around. this event is very important because this is what made the foundation of our government we use today.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is what ended the American Revolutionary war. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay were the ones to set it up a negotiate it.
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    Treaty of Paris

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    Storming of the Bastile

  • French revolution

    After the american revolution, the French were at a loss with money and goods. they raised the taxes in order to gain stability again. during the french revolution many important events happened such as, the tennis court oath, the storming of Bastille, and the reign of terror. the ones who survived lead the revolution to the end. the revolution changed the world for many and opened up the opportunities to succeed even more. (picture on citation)
  • Tennis court oath

    the third estate tried to get the king to a new oath in order to force a new constitution. After naming themselves the "National assembly" and trying to meet up, they found out that their meet place was lockd up. they took the their work to a near by tennis court where they took an oath to continue meeting together till they could make a new french constitution. (picture in citation)
  • Storming of the Bastile

    The storming of the Bastille was a revolt during the start of the French revolution. After a man named Launay transported a massive amount of gunpowder and shift it into a fortress. shortly after crowds arose with weapons. the crowds size made Launay surrender, prisoners were freed and gunpowder was seized. this was a important act showing that the revolution was starting and how hard they will work for it. (picture on citations)
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    French revolution

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    Tennis court oath

  • Reign of Terror

    the reign of terror carried out by Maximilien Robespierre once he gain some power. the revolutionary people started it because of Maximilien Robespierre startling to fight by questioning loyalty. after become president, the threats he made came back to get him. he was executed in 1794. the ended the reign. this was very important because it stopped the threats towards the revolution. (picture on citations)
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    Reign of Terror