History Assesment #2 Orgins of Religon Timeline

  • Period: 2300 BCE to

    Hinduism-(oldest religon)

    Started in India. Hinduism has no beginning or end. According to Mat McDermott, he states, ¨often refer to it as Sanatana Dharma (the ‘Eternal Way’).¨Hinduism is something that will just continue to be passed down family by family because there is no specific date/day/time that people should stop practicing the religion of Hinduism.
  • Period: 1800 BCE to

    Judaism-1800 BCE-Started in the eastern mediterranean.

    C-Abraham the Hebrews and God made a deal,every man's child has to be circumcised and God would give him the whole land of Canaan.Moses receives the Torah from God,the deal is that every jew has to follow the ten commandments.E-According to cogito’s video,”What is Judaism?”They explain that circumsicum was a way of showing their deal with god.They also state,”This new covenant requires Jews to worship only this god and to follow his commandments
  • Period: 536 BCE to

    Buddhism-563 BCE or 480 BCE-Began in India

    Buddhism began with Prince Siddartha,who lived a sheltered life until he was a young adult and traveled outside for the first time. The prince came to the conclusion that all of life is suffering and wanted to find a way to deal with this.According to Cogito’s video, “What is Buddhism?,”the speaker explains the four noble truths:1) all of life is suffering, 2)suffering is caused by human desire,3) suffering can end, and 4)Buddhists must follow the Eightfold Path to reach enlightenment.
  • Period: 100 BCE to

    Christianity-Started in Judea-100 BC

    Asking for forgiveness for your sins will get you to heaven. Jewish leaders disagreed and had Jesus arrested and crucified. According to National geographic, Jesus states, ¨If you forgive others the wrong they have done to you, your father in heaven will also forgive you¨. If you ask for forgiveness from God for your sins, then you can enter the gates of heaven and be with your father(God).
  • Period: 60 to

    Islam-7th century-Started in Saudi Arabia

    It all started with Muhammad. Muhammad was praying and became God´s messenger. According to Cogito, Muhammad was praying once and he was visited by ¨jabril¨(in Arabic). Jabril told Muhammad the there was one God and that he was God's messenger. Muhammad received announcements from God and he would say them out loud and people would write them down and it became ¨Islams holy book¨.