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History and Government of Russia

  • Jun 21, 1240

    Mongal Takeover

    Mongal Takeover
    The Mongols takeover Russia from Central Asia
  • Dec 11, 1480

    Rejecting Mongol Rule

    Rejecting Mongol Rule
    Prince Ivan III or known as Ivan the Great prince of new slavic territory Muscovy rejects Mongolian rule
  • Aug 24, 1547

    Ivan the Terribble decalrs himself czar

    Ivan the Terribble decalrs himself czar
    Ivan the IV declares himself czar he is also known as Ivaqn the Terrible
  • Great Russian leader

    Great Russian leader
    Cathrine and Peter the Great bring good times of art and expansion
  • St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg
    St. Petersburg is built european style
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon tries to invade Russia but fails becuase of cold climate and the burning of towns and cities
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The revoultion sweeps through Russia between the czar and the Bolshiviks
  • Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
    Stalin comes to power and uses secret police to kill many people and banned all religons
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War between the United States and Russia lasts from 1940- 1990
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    The Soviet Union after the fall of communisim
  • Slavs

    the Slavs settle on the river of what is today Russia and Ukraine
  • Missionaries come to Russia

    Missionaries come to Russia
    Missionaries come to Russia to spread Eastern Orthodox religion