500 BCE
The very first type of calculator (non-electronic). It was invented around 500 b.c. It was made by using beads and sticks for the beads. Used by the many ancient civilizations. Cite:
http://www.ee.ryerson.ca:8080/~elf/abacus/history.html -
Blaise Pascal - Creates first basic mechanical calulator
Created in 1642, Pascal's calculator became the first mechanical adding machine. It was run by a series of gears and could preform addition and subtraction. The machine itself consisted of a metal wheel that was turned by a stylus, which was all contained in a brass box. Pascal was driven to create the product to help his dad in tax accounting. Cite:
http://lecture.eingang.org/pascaline.html -
William Seward Burroughs - First commercially successful calculator created
Created in 1886, Burroughs calculator was the first commercially successful calculator. It aimed to make an adding machine that was faster and more accurate. Burroughs's machine had one important feature, the ability to print. The machine itself was composed of a ten key keyboard and a lever. There were many changes to the machine later on. The drive to create this machine was to help the banking community. Cite:
https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Seward-Burroughs -
Otto Steiger - "Millionaire machine"
It was created in 1893 and was about the size of a small desktop. It was first introduced in Switzerland. Though most were powered by a crank some were electronic. It was the first adding machine capable of multiplication. Cite:
http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/handcalculator.htm -
First Handheld Calulator
The first handheld calculator is developed by Texas Instruments Inc.Texas instruments utilized the use of Integrated circuit to create the first calulator that is smaller than about the size of a desktop. Cite: