54 BCE
Julius Caesar conquers the Celts
In 54 Bc they conquered the Celts -
Alfred the Great
Saxon king who prevented the Danes from taking over England and promoted literature and education -
Canute the Dane
Was a Danish king who ruled over England and was popular with the People -
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
Between William the Great and Harold and the out come was the William won -
Domesday book completed
The Domesday book kept record of every animal and house some one had -
100 year war
Lasted a long. And was fought between the French and the British and the French won -
The Plague
Most devastating Pandemic in human history. about 75-220 million died. So many people died that they had large grave pits and burned their bodies. -
May 22, 1455
Wars of the Roses
English civil war to see who would rule England and Henry won -
Jan 28, 1457
Henry 7
First monarch of the house of Tudor -
Jun 28, 1491
Henry the 8
A very hated king who married six wives to have a son and had one of his wives be-headed at the tower of londen -
The convocation
When they all got together to make rules -
Mary Queen of scots
Father died when she was six days old and was to be crowned Queen. Only surviving legitimate child of King James V -
Edward the 6th
King of England and Ireland. Crowned at nine years old and was the son of Henry the 8th. First monarch to be raised protestant -
Mary the 1st
Queen of England and Ireland. Known as bloody Mary since she killed 300 hundred people. -
Elizabeth the 1st
Became Queen after her half sister Mary died. Last of five monarchs of the Tudor house. -
Defeat of the Spanish armada
British fleet defeat Spanish Armada and many Spanish ships are ship wrecked -
James 1
Ended the Tudor dynasty one of the strongest kings. -
Charles 1
stubborn belief in divine right of kings. wars with Spain and France made him very dependent on the assembly that he despised. -
English civil war
Between the round heads and the Cavaliers. Round heads were against the King and Cavaliers were against Parlament -
A new king was found named Charles the second and stepped ashore on dover