
  • Sep 22, 1175


    Brittish trying to take our ammuniotion. 1rst battle of revolution , 2nd continal congrss.
  • Sep 22, 1176

    Common sence

    Common sence
    Paine suggested that people not monarchies should make the lawas
    Inspired creation of Declaraion later that year
  • Sep 22, 1492

    Discovery of the new world

    Discovery of the new world
    Christopher Coulumbus found America
  • Jamestown

    New England; came for religious freedom, did not practise tho. Only boys went to school, were trained to be minsters, girls learned how to keep a home a home. Substive farming ship building.
  • Middle

    Accepting of everyone exspet the Jewa: MD's act of toleration alloweed caholes . public school for boys only, farming craftmen.
  • Southern

    Remained ANglican ( church of England). Private tuors came to home plantation to spread out for schools. Clases developed due to indentedd servent slave. Cash crops shipped from own piers or port cites.
  • House of Burgess

    House of Burgess
    desighned to attract colonist keep order: only property owners could vote
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    puritans believed people formed goverment male chuch members ould voe.
  • English Bill Rights

    English Bill Rights
    Monarch can't suspend parliment, collect taxes with permission protedcted Freedom Of Speech.
  • 1rst contential congress

    1rst contential congress
    vowed force if Britian attacked
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    written by Thomas jefferson
    American rights
  • Battle of York town

    Battle of York town
    inspired revolutions world wide France , Lattin and America
  • The Articles of Cofedration

    The Articles of Cofedration
    Framework for the goverment
    resolved conflict over land , land ordicance
  • George Washiton

    The first president of the United States
    did not want to be considerd the president
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    supreme court said it couldnt force the delivery
    judical review
    strenghnthed fedral judicy
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    Britan Blocked Europe
    Natived organizing on fronties
  • convention

    Cananda/ Us border
    49th parallel
    set up joint occupation