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History 7

  • 1095

    Pope Urban II calls for the Crusades

    The Pope calls for a series of holy wars to take back the holy land from the Muslims.
  • 1200

    Trade Revolution begins

    After the Crusades, Europe shifted it focus to trading goods and services.
  • 1254

    Marco Polo born

    Marco Polo is born to adventure
  • 1293

    Polo journeys home

    Polo journeys with many precious items.
  • 1298

    Polo captains a galley ship

    he is captured
  • 1300


    means rebirth
  • 1440

    printing press

    invented by Johann Gutenberg
  • Dec 8, 1493

    Columbus arrives to the Caribbean

    lets pigs loose!!!
  • 1511

    Montesinos delivers his sermon

    First to denounce the Spaniards for their treatment of the natives
  • 1542

    De Las Casas

    Denounced the Spaniards for their treatment of the natives
  • scientific revolution

    Scientific method made