
  • Estates General convened

    On May 5, 1789, King Louis XVI calls on all the estates to meet and discuss about the issues at hand at that time.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge signed by members of the third estates that were rejected from entering or participating in the Estates General
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The mobs went on strike to the Bastille to steal weapons, getting ready for the French Revolution. They released all the the prisoners, and destroyed the prison.
  • National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    the document was modeled after the American Declaration of Independence. the constitution insisted that governments exist to to protect the natural rights of the citizens.
  • Women’s March to the Palace of Versailles

    women began the march to the king's palace at the market place of Paris because of the high price of bread and the scarcity of food They marched to Versailles and demanded a change in the price of bread.
  • 3rd Estate declared themselves the “National Assembly”

    The First and Second estates always outvoted the Third estate two to one. The Third estate wanted all three estates to meet in a single body, with votes counted "by head"
  • Period: to

    french revolution

  • Creation of Legislative Assembly

    This assembly had the power to make laws, collect taxes, and decide on issues of war and peace.
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempt to flee France

    they wanted to escape their humiliation. the king was disguised as a servant and the queen as a governess and the royal children.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    He was sent to the national convention where he was found guilty of high treason. They decided to sentence him to death, so he was sent to the guillotine, where his head was cut off by a big blade.
  • Creation of National Convention

    it voted to abolish the monarchy and and establish the French Republic
  • Reign of Terror/Committee of Public Safety

    National Assembly established the Committee of Public Safety to control the country's military against foreign forces of France. The guillotine became the method of setting disputes. The law of Suspects allowed the creation of tribunals to try and execute anyone who does not agree with the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette and her children were the first victims.
  • Marie Antoinette Executed

  • Maximilien Robespierre is executed

    out of fear the convention turned on the committee of public safety
  • France is ruled by the Directory

    The Directory was a five-member committee which governed France from 1795, when it replaced the Committee of Public Safety. The Directory suffered from widespread corruption but then the French economy recovered from the disruption caused by the terror