Apr 11, 1523
Lisbon, Portugal
One would expect a cheering crowd to send you off as you sail away from your home, family, and friends. However, how could I expect that when I have no home, family, nor friends.? A crowd would never cheer for a lowly group of scraggly men loading the ship in utter silence or frustrated grumbling. I often look up to the high hills of homes and houses, wondering if I'll ever have one like it. The blue waves crash against the Atlantic beaches, as the captain yells for all men to board. -
Period: Apr 11, 1523 to Oct 22, 1525
Voyage to India
Apr 12, 1523
First Day at Sea
Our first day is always easiest, even though we may have to really learn how to work things. We only have two ships and almost a hundred men altogether. No one expects any real hardships to come, but I know different. Things at sea always get worse the longer we stay. -
Apr 13, 1523
Second Day at Sea
Already, the second day at sea has come. Things seemed to be smooth sailing, but just earlier we found out one of the men on the other ship has a bad cold. We no not what t'is yet, but we pray it not be serious. The waves have calm as of right now, but there is bound to be a storm later, rather than sooner. -
Feb 9, 1524
We ran out of food, now we have been reduced to shavings and droppings. My gums are sore and puffy. They ache, oh so much. I can barely talk without the other men questioning my words and sounds. I constantly poke and prod them with my tongue; I know it makes them worse, but I just can't help it. -
Aug 19, 1524
Cape of Good Hope
Our first stop is a rocky beach with rough waters and no place to stay safe. We were supposed to stop somewhere way north of here, but our navigation got confused. We've already run out of food, and more than half the men have died of many causes. However, how unintentional this stop was, the scenary is quite beautiful. Clear, blue waters, and white sand... -
Sep 23, 1524
Storm Brewing
So far, the voyage has been smooth sailing. We may have run out of food, but we haven't had any sailing troubles. However, out in the vast distance I see a dark shape beginning to take form. The air is becoming still and the sea life has stopped. I fear a storm is brewing. -
Nov 9, 1524
The storm passed a long while ago, but we lost many. We lost the whole other ship. Now only we remain. We sailed until the land of Kenya was seen on the horizon, and we stopped here to restock and recover. The ports are dark and gloomy, but the people greeted us as foreigners who were hungry. They gave us stew, and it was the best meal I've eaten my whole life. -
Jan 1, 1525
New Year
Another new year and we're still sailing for lost intentions. Our captain was killed...by our own crew. He was terrible captain, never giving a damn about us. Last night, the men decided they had had enough and threw him overboard as he slept. No new captain has been chosen yet, but we are hopeful for a newbie who has quite the potential. -
Jul 11, 1525
Salalah, Oman
One more stop and our jouney ends. We had no intention of this stop in this stranger land, but the land is very peculiar. High cliffs with waterfalls. Clear water and lots of green. A very stranger land, indeed. -
Oct 22, 1525
Mumbai, India
With only 20 men left, we finally reach our destination. We have forgotton our purpose and intentions for coming here, but the land is a sight to behold. The wonderful blue sea and culture are magnificent! This trip may have had many set backs, but was worth it in the end.