History 3rd.

  • Year 1

    Year 1
    i was born on feb.19 1995. i was bron at home in my living room in Mokena IL. When i was 8 months old i started crawling.
  • year 2

    year 2
    when i was 2 years old i really loved Barney! so for my birthday that year my parents took me to go see Barney live at the rosemont and i can remember being so excited. Also in this same year we adopted my dog elvis and my mom said i would sleep on his dog bed with him and follow him every were.
  • Year 3

    Year 3
    when i was three my brother tells me i really wanted to go to school with him and that i was so sad that i wasnt old enough to go yet! also in that same year i
  • year 4

    year 4
    when i was 4 i had one of the best birthday partys ever! I only semi remember it because my mom let me pick out everything for the party. So i decided i wanted a raceing theme i thought it was the coolest thing ever. i had a huge racecar cake and ceekerd table cloths and all my friends loved it because in the gift bags there were little toy racecars with a remote control it was a lot of fun.
  • year 5

    year 5
    when i was 5 i particularly remember holloween. I dressed up as a cow or so i thought but in reality mom dressed me as a sheep. So every time we went up to the door of a house and the people would always ask what i was and my mom what i was and she woluld tell them and then they would always say well what sounds does a sheep make. But instead of beahhing like i sheep i would moo becuase i thought i was a cow. People would look at my mom and say you have some work to do with her
  • year 6

    year 6
    When i was 6 i got to start kindergarden i went to monisory school. my teachers name was Mrs.Lindin. In fisrt grade i meet a girl Tara and we were best friends from the start when she offered to share her markers with me and were still very close today.
  • Year 7

    Year 7
    when i was 7 i leaurned how to ride a bike with out training wheels. But one day i asked my dad if he would clip my helmet for me. So he did and in the process he cliped my chin into the helmet and i was cring my mom uncliped my helmet and my chin was bleeding and i was crying like crazy it was teribble.
  • Year 8

    Year 8
    when i was 10 years old i started the fisrt grade at mokena grade school. my teacher was Mrs.Wenlinger. and it was pretty good time.
  • year 9

    year 9
    when i was 9 we adpopted my cat nikkiuilis the spelling was a little whack but i was only 9. he was so cute he was orange and white but not evan 3 weeks we had hime and he got hit by a car and lost his tail but he is doing just find now.
  • year 10

    when i was 10
  • Year 11

    Year 11
    when i was 10 i got to go see my aunt and uncle in alaska! i got to see Mt. Mikenly i also got to go to chinna hot springs. it was the best trip i had ever takin and i was lucky enought to go to denali natinal park.
  • year 12

    year 12
    when i was 12 my dad build me a tree house it was bomb. but living in the city had a down fall they made my dad tair it down because it violated city ordinices.
  • year 13

    year 13
    when i was 13 we went on a family trip to costa rica. i was super excited. we whent zip lining atv riding and toured around guensta city.
  • year 14

    year 14
    year 14 my life changed completly when we moved to lake carroll IL. and i attended eastland high school. its been and a pretty good change so far but i will always miss the place where i grew up!
  • year 15

    when i was 15
  • year 16

    year 16
    when i was 16 i got my drivers licences and my dad gave me his 07 chevy 3/4 truck and i have been driving it ever scence!
  • year 17

    year 17
    year 17 i enterd my last year of high school!:) and i already cant wait to graduate.