
  • Period: to

    Communist win China

  • Period: to

    Atomic Bomb

    Harry S. Truman the 33rd president made the decision to drop the atomic bomb MAD
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    Buffer states of the USSR

    Poland and states between Germany and USSR are sometimes known as Buffer states Containment Theory
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    US Aid to Turkey

    Decided to help aid to Turkey Detente
  • Period: to

    Molotov Plan

    Created by USSR to provide aid to rebuild the countries in Western Europe Deterrence
  • Period: to

    US aid to Greece

    Extension of military and economic aid to Greece Domino Theory
  • Period: to

    Truman Doctrine

    Foreign policy, Made to counter soviet geopolitical expansion Containment Theory
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    Berlin Airlift

    1st intel crisis of the cold war MAD
  • Period: to

    Marshall Plan

    America intrative to aid western Europe MAD
  • Period: to

    NATO Est.

    North America Treaty Organization Detente
  • Period: to

    USSR gets Atomic Bomb

    , the USSR successfully detonates its first atomic bomb, code name “First Lightning.” In order to measure the effects of the blast, the Soviet scientists constructed buildings, bridges, and other civilian structures in the vicinity of the bomb. Brinkmanship
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    Korean War

    North and South Korea go to war MAD
  • Period: to

    Coup in Iran

    Overthrow of democraticallt elected prime minster Mohd. Mosaddegh Deterrence
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    Coup in Guatamala

    Covert OP carried by US disposed the democratically elected Guatemalan President MAD
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    Communist Angola

    Underground politcal party Domino Theory
  • Period: to

    Warsaw pact formed

    was a political and military alliance established on May 14, 1955 between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries. Containment Theory
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    Beginning of troops in Vietnam

    When the troops first go to vietnam MAD
  • Period: to

    Hungary Rebellion

    Nation wide revolt against the goverment Brinkmanship
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    Suez Canal Crisis

    Invasion of Egypt MAD
  • Period: to


    Satellite, 1st artificial satellite of the Earth Detente
  • Period: to

    Sandinistas rose up in Nicaragua

    rising opposition to the Somoza dictatorship domino Theory
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    Missel crisis, 13 days confrontation between the US and USSR MAD
  • Period: to

    China Explodes Atomic Bomb

  • Period: to

    Coup in Chile

    Popular unity govt. was Regan Domino Theory
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    Iran Islamic Revolution

    Following the overthrow od the pahlavi dynasty MAD
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    Soviets invade Afganistan

    Soviet- Afghan war MAD
  • Period: to

    War in El Salvador

    The salvadorian war Brinkmanship
  • Period: to

    Evil Empire Speech

    1st Applied in the USSR. By US pres. Ronald Regan Dentent
  • Period: to

    Star Wars

    Strategic defense initiative Domino Theory
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    Iran Contra Affair

    Referred to as irangate Domino Theory
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    Fall of the USSR

  • Period: to

    Fall of Berlin Wall

    Berlin's wall falls Detente