
  • May 23, 1526

    Lucas Vasquez de Avalon

    Lucas Vasquez de Avalon sailed to the coast of South Carolina and attempted to colonize near the Peedee River. Colony was called San Miguel de Guadalupe. San Miguel de Guadalupe failed, the leadership collapsed, and the slaves escaped while the colonists died of fever.
  • May 23, 1562

    Jean Ribault leads a journey to South Carolina

    Jean Ribault leads a journey to South Carolina to colonize a small fort called Charles Fort after the King of France. When he returned from France to get supplies the fort had collapsed. The Spanish took over the destroyed fort and rebuilt it. However their fort also failed.
  • failure

    the efforts to colonize South Caroline were continuing to be failures, it wasn’t until 1663 when Charles town was established that a colony remained. The Lords Proprietors ruled the Carolinas at the time under King Charles. The Lords Proprietors split the Carolinas into North and South Carolina.
  • Period: to

    slave rebelion

    • Slave rebellions were frequent during the 1700’s and 1800’s.
  • indian wars

    There were several Indian wars with the Yemasee, but by 1717 they had ended, but caused a lot of damage to the colonies.
  • slavery

    Slavery is a huge part of South Carolina, and by 1720 65% of SC was made up of African slaves.
  • stono rebelion

  • negro act of 1740

    the Negro act of 1740 was passed and put slaves under strict laws.
  • american revolution started

    The American Revolution began which was a war between the British controlled American colonies and Great Britain.
  • twice the amount of african americans.

    . By 1860 there were twice as many African Americans living in SC than white.
    • Slavery was the main way of producing money in the south through farming work on massive plantations.