History 1836-1861 DeBlieck

  • The Battle of the Alamo

    The Battle of the Alamo
    The Battle of the Alamo was a rally cry for settlers on the frontier, the battle lasted 13 days in a fort near present day San Antonio. 200 frontiersman faced a the Mexican army ,led by General Santa Ana, that numbered in the thousands. This was one of the first battles in Texas's struggle for independence from Mexico.
  • Sam Houston and the Battle of San Jacinto

    Sam Houston and the Battle of San Jacinto
    After hearing about the loss of life of Texan life suffered at the Alamo, Sam Houston spent the next month gathering men and weapons preparing for a counter attack against the Mexican army. On April 21 1836 Sam Houston and his men attacked Santa Ana and his army winning a quick battle at San Jacinto to secure the freedom of Texas.
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    Mexican American War

    The Mexican- American war lasted from 1846-1848 and was the cause of border skirmishes along the Rio Grande river which the US government used as the southern border of the United States
  • The Battle of Palo Alto: May 8, 1846

    The Battle of Palo Alto: May 8, 1846
    The first major battle of the Mexican-American War, it was very near the Texas Mexican border, the Mexican army had set a trap but the overwhelming US artillery drove the Mexicans back.
  • The Battle of Monterrey

    The Battle of Monterrey
    General Zachery Taylor continued his slow march into the Mexican north. The Mexican army had fortified the city of Monterrey, but General Taylor divided his men and took the city from two sides winning the battle for the Americans
  • The Battle of Cerro Gordo

    The Battle of Cerro Gordo
    The Battle of Cerro Gordo was the the American effort to capture the port of Veracruz. The Mexican army had dug in and fortified there position but the US army forged ahead and captured the area on April 12 1847
  • Battle of Molino del Rey

    Battle of Molino del Rey
    After a brief armistice that had lasted in September between the two armies broke down, Scott resumed offensive operations. Once again, the Mexican defenders put up a valiant fight but were overrun.
  • The Battle of Chapultepec

    The Battle of Chapultepec
    With the Molino del Rey in American hands, there was only one major fortified point between Scott's army and the heart of Mexico City. the Mexican cadets fought until the last man but they were eventually over run and the fort at Chapultepec hill fell into american hands.
  • First blood of Bleeding Kansas

    First blood of Bleeding Kansas
    On May 21, 1856, ruffians ,people from Missouri that came over the Kansas-Missouri border, actually looted that town. In response, John Brown orchestrated the murder several days later of five pro-slavery settlers along Pottawatomie Creek.
  • Battle of Osawatomie ( Led by John Brown)

    Battle of Osawatomie ( Led by John Brown)
    On the morning of August 30, 1856, John Brown led about 30 anti-slavery men into battle against 250 pro-slavery Missourians.The battle raged on until the retreat of the John Brown and his men.