History 1600-1700

  • 1st Settlement in Jamestown

    Colonists establish the first lasting British settlement in the new world, at Jamestown
  • John Smith and Pochahutas

    John Smith claims that when captured by Indians and that he was saved from execution by Pocahontas
  • John Rolfe and Pocahontas

    Pocahontas is baptized and marries John Rolfe (a Jamestown colonists)
  • The Mayflower/Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims, a group of 102 English settlers, sail in the Mayflower to the new world
  • New Colony

    Ten days after their first landfall, at Cape Cod, the adult males on the Mayflower agree on a form of government for their new colony
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The Mayflower settlers in Plymouth offer thanksgiving for their first harvest, eating turkeys in a celebration shared by local Indians
  • William Bradford is Governor

    William Bradford, one of the Pilgrims from the Mayflower, is elected governor of the new Plymouth Colony. (William Bradford is my best friends great great great great ((I don't know how many greats)) grandpa)
  • Blood Transfusion Invention

    French physician Jean-Baptiste Denys invents a method for blood transfusion
  • First Book

    The first book published in England's American colonies is Bay Psalm Book, a revised translation of the psalms
  • Barometer Invention

    Italian mathematician and physicist Evangelista Torricelli invent the barometer.
  • Reflecting Telescope

    Mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton invented a reflecting telescope.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton's experiments with the prism demonstrate the link between wavelength and color in light
  • Bill of Rights

    Parliament in Westminster makes the restrictive Bill of Rights. William III and Mary II are crowned
  • Gold Rush

    Gold is found in Brazil, launching the first great American gold rush