History 105

By Jpair
  • Dutch East Indian Company organized

  • Virginia Chartered

    King James 1 charters Virginia Company
  • Jamestown Created

    Virginia Company sent three ships, created Jamestown
  • Pocahontas pleads for John Smith's life

    At age 11, Pocahontas pleads for John Smith's life
  • Food runs out

    Jamestown runs out of food from 1609 to 1610
  • Virginia law

    First law code in Virginia
  • Fur Trade

    Fur trade established on Manhattan Island
  • Three more settlements established

    New Govenor Lorde De La Warr arrives with three ships, 150 men, establishes three settlements
  • Jamestown grows tobacco

    Jamestown begins growing tobacco
  • House of Burgesses established

  • Women

    First boatload of women arrived (around 100 women)
  • Exporting 50,000 pounds of tobacco

    Jamestown is exporting 50,000 pounds of tobacco by this point
  • 14,000 English come to Jamestown

    Around 14,000 Englishmen migrate to Jamestown, only 1,132 survived/stayed
  • Manhattan purchased

    Manhattan punched by Dutch Governor
  • Slaves imported

    The company began importing slaves
  • French government said only Catholics could lived in New France

  • Maryland established

    First proprietary (owned by individual) colony, Maryland, established
  • Perquot War

    Massachusetts settlers accuse Perquot indian of murdering a colonist. English burned village, then killed those escaping
  • New Amsterdam has one of largest slave markets

    New Amsterdam had one of the largest slave markets in America
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    Required all goods going to and from colonies be in ONLY English ships
  • England and Netherlands at war

  • Jewish settlers

    First Jewish settlers in America
  • Navigation Act of 1660

    Required certain colonial products such as tobacco be only shipped to England
  • Period: to

    King sent soldiers, settlers, and women to New France

  • Louis XIV changed New France into a royal colony

  • Navigation Act of 1663

    (Staples Act) -- All goods going from Europe to America stop in England to be taxed
  • English conquered New Netherland

  • Jamestown exporting tobacco

    Jamestown is exporting 15 million pounds of tobacco at this point
  • Indians and English feared each other deeply

  • Bacon's Rebellion

    By this time, 1/4 of free white men were landless. Rebellion target governor because they thought he "wasn't protecting them from Indians"
  • New Jersey divided

    New Jersey was divided into East and West
  • Metacoment's wife and son captured

    King Philip's War
  • Massachusetts declares Navigation Acts have no legal standing

  • Penn granted Delaware

    The Duke of York granted Penn area of Delaware
  • Carteret sold out to a group of investors

  • King Charles II revokes royal charter for Massachusetts

  • Period: to

    Dominion of New England

    King James II (Catholic) makes SUPERCOLONY (Dominion of New England)
  • Isaac Newton

    Englishman Isaac Newton announced theory on gravitational pull
  • Two Treatises on Government

    rejected divine monarchial rights, granted natural rights of life, liberty,and property
  • Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth unite under one charter

  • Act to Prevent Frauds and Abuses of 1696

    required colonial royal governors to enforce Navigation Acts, allowed customs officials to search, ordered smugglers tried in royal admiralty courts
  • Settlement of Louisiana territory

  • Slavery

    Enslaved Africans make 11% of population
  • Jersey united

    East and West New Jersey reunited
  • Delaware granted assembly

    Delaware was granted the right to choose own assembly, although it shared Pennsylvania's governor until the American Revolution
  • Ben Franklin born

  • Period: to

    Reign of King George

  • Period: to

    Robert Walpole prime minister

  • Period: to

    Reign of King George II

  • Georgia Land

    King George II gave land to 21 English trustees
  • Colonists founded Savannah, Georgia

  • Protestant refugees

    Protestant refugees arrive from Austria into Georgia. Also: Germans, Moravions, Swiss, Welsh, Highland Scots, Sephardic Jews
  • George Whitfield began a 14-month tour from Maine to Georgia

  • "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

    Jonathan Edwards gave famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
  • Great Awakening ended

    The Great Awakening died out by 1750
  • Georgia becomes a royal colony

    Grew rapidly after 1763
  • American Revenue Act of 1764

    Sugar Act
  • Quarter Act

  • Massachusetts House of Representatives invited delegates to New York to discuss Stamp Acts

  • Stamp Act

    required colonies to purchase stamped paper for everything
  • Stamp Act Repealed

  • Revenue Act of 1767

    taxed imports of glass, lead, paint, paper, tin
  • Slavery

    Enslaved Africans make more than 20% of population
  • Patriots capture 2 British soldiers

    First bloodshed
  • The Boston Massacre

    5 dead, 8 wounded
  • Parliament repealed Townshend Act

    (except tea tax)
  • The Gaspee Incident

    British Warship stole local livestock