Blaise Pascal invented the calculating device Pascaline -
Charles Babbage
English mathematician designed two machines that included squaring,input device, data storage,output device, and a controlunitthat allowed processing 9instructionsin any sequence -
Herman Hollerith
Invented a calculating machine that ran on electricity that used punched cards to store data, Hollerith's machine was very successful. -
John von Neumann
Created the design rules used to create the computers that we use today, his design included components such as arithmetic logic unit, a control unit, memory, and input/output devices. -
Mark 1
Was the first computer like machine punched cards were used to feed dataintothe machine, the Mark 1 was 52ft long weighed 50 tons and had 750,000 parts. -
ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)
ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania, it contained 18,000 vacum tubes and weighed 30 tons. -
The invention of transistors resulted in smaller, faster, and more reliable energy efficient computers. In this era the introduction of FORTRAN and COBOL, two early programming languages. Later transistors were replaced by intergrated circuits, or "chips" the are smaller andcheaper than transistors. -
The "CPU"
The microprocessor, an entire CPU on a single chip was invented. -
Stephan Wozniak and Stephan Jobs
Stephan Wozinak and Stephan Jobs created the first apple computer in there garage. -
IBM and "PC"
In the 1980's IBM introduced the it's personal computer(PC) clones of this maching made it even more affordable.