History Timeline 3rd Hour Maggie Eyberg 3/2/17

  • Seward purchases Alaska

    Seward purchases Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

  • Annexation of Hawaii

  • 1896 US Election

    Winner of the 1896 election: William McKinley
  • U.S declares war on Spain

  • Battle of Manila Bay

  • Battle of San Juan Hill

  • Spanish - American War ends

  • Philippine - American War

  • Open Door Policy

  • Boxer Rebellion start date

  • Foraker Act

  • Platt Admendment

  • Boxer Rebellion end date

  • Assassination of President McKinley

  • Panama Canal start date

  • U.S conquest of the Samoa Islands

  • Panama Canal end date