Pike's Peak Gold Rush
Homestead Act
Sand Creek Massacre
Nevada admitted to the Union
Grant is elected
Fisk and Gould corner the gold market
Haymarket Affair
Fisk and Gould corner the gold market
Tweed scandal in New York
Credit Mobilier scandal exposed
panic of 1873
whiskey ring scandal
Custer's Last Stand
Garfield's election
Garfield's assassination, Arthur assumes presidency
chinese exclusion act
Federal government outlaws the Indian Sun Dance
Wabash v. Illinois
Dawes Severalty Act
Interstate Commerce Act
Oklahoma opened to settlement
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Battle Of Wounded Knee
the Emergence of the Populist party
Homestead Steel Strike
Pullman Strike
Mckinley is elected
Gold Standard Act
Foundation of NAACP
Indians granted US citizenship