
  • Newspapers began publishing.

    Newspapers began publishing in the 1600's. They were only one sheet long, and consisted of mostly letters and essays. Newspapers are what influenced the break from Britian.
  • Benjamin Harris

    Started the London Coffee House in Boston which gave both men and women access to foreign newspapers and books.
  • Publick Occurances

    Publick Occurances
    Publick Occurances was published by Benjamin Harris. It was the first Newspaper published in the U.S. and started in Boston. Only one issue was printed because it wasn't issued by authority.
  • Boston Newsletter

    The Boston newspaper began. It was the first newspaper to be continuously published.
  • James Franklin; The New England Courant

    James Franklin; The New England Courant
    Founded in Boston by James Franklin. Benjamin Franklin ended up writing for it, and it began in 1726. It was the first newspaper to use humorous essays and literary content.
  • John Peter Zinger

    John Peter Zinger established truth for a defence for libel. He printed critical articals of governor William Cosby. Wrote very few articals himself and was arrested for libel
  • Penny Press

    The New York Sun, a Penny Press, started in 1833 by Benjamin Day. The Penny Press was the first newspaper filled with actual news and had less opinions.
  • Horace Greeley

    Founded and Edited the New York Tribune. He was part of the Rebublican Party. He founded one of America's most influencial newspaper.
  • Telegraph Invented

    Telegraph Invented
    The telegraph was invented in 1844 and sped up reporting news.
  • Nellie Bly

    Female reported. Traveled the world in 72 days, to prove it, in fact, was possible to travel the world in 80 days or less.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow Journalism started in the late 1900's. It was fake, and outrageous information.
  • Robert S Abbott

    Robert S Abbott
    Founded the Chicago Defender, which was the most influencial black weekly newspaper.
  • Radio was invented

    The radio was invented in 1906 by Dr. Lee Forest. The radio got news to more people, and quicker and was also a source of entertainment.
  • Sedition Act

    The sedition act limited freedom of speech, and allowed congress to target people who criticized the government.
  • Television Newscast

    The first television newscast happened.
  • Edward R. Murrow

    Broadcast journalist for CBS News. He did radio casts and television shows.
  • Freedom of Information Act

    A law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is important because you know more of what's going on.
  • The Pentagon Papers

    Appeared in the times in 1971. The papers appeared because they were leaked, and revealed things about the war that had not been brought to the public.
  • Columbus Dispatch

    Created to test a new technology to get to a wider audience, in 1980
  • Texting

    The first SMS message sent from one person to the other was sent in FInland in 2000. Now they tend to be sent reguarly, and help news travel from one person to the other in just seconds.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    One of the first social network sites was created in 1994. Facebook was created in 2004. Now they are used by millions of people daily, and help spread news out in an instant.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. Yuotube helps videos spread to a wider population and gets news out in a faster way.