Jan 1, 632
Death of Muhammed
Jan 1, 1096
Beginning of the First Crusade
Jan 1, 1290
Jews expelled from England
Jan 1, 1306
Jews expelled from France
Jan 1, 1394
Jews expelled from France
Jan 1, 1483
Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition
Jan 1, 1492
Spanish Jews given ultimatum of conversion or expulsion
Jan 1, 1516
Region including Israel conquered by the Ottoman Empire
Period: to
Ottoman Tanzimat attempts to protect the territory against foreign powers and nationalist movements
(1880s) Eastern European Jews begin to settle in Israel (First Aliyah)
Ottoman edict formally bans immigration of Russian Jews
Period: to
Large-scale anti-Jewish "pogroms" in Russian Empire
Notable Jerusalem Arabs petition Constantinople to halt Jewish immigration and land sales
Publication of "Der Judenstaat" - "The Jewish State" (Theodor Herzl)
English Name: "The Jewish State"
Author: Theodor Herzl -
Founding of the World Zionist Organization (Theodor Herzl)
Second Aliyah - greater numbers of European Jews settle in Palestine
Founding of first all-Hebrew city, Tel Aviv
Balfour Declaration grants British approval of establishing a Palestinian homeland
Period: to
British Mandate over Palestine (granted by League of Nations)
Establishment of the State of Israel
Israel admitted to UN
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Founded
Oslo Accords - Israel and PLO agree to recognize each other
Arab conquest of Palestine, beginning of Arab and Muslim majority