
Historie time line

  • 100,000 BCE

    appear the first human

    appear the first human
    appear the first human
  • Period: 100,000 BCE to 99,996 BCE

    pre historie

  • 99,996 BCE

    creation of fire

     creation of fire
    was created 1000000 years ago, used to make food
  • Period: 99,996 BCE to 10,000 BCE

    pre historie

  • 10,000 BCE

    discovery of agriculture and livestock

    discovery of agriculture and livestock
    agriculture and livestock were discovered
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    pre hitory/ancient history

  • 3000 BCE

    Beginning of writing

    Beginning of writing
    began to write for the first time
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 476

    ancient historie

  • 476

    the fall of the Roman empire

     the fall of the Roman empire
    Odoacer overthrows Romulus on September 4, 476
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    the midle age

  • Period: 1492 to

    modern eage

  • Oct 12, 1492

    discovery of America

    discovery of America
    America was discovered on October 12, 1492 by Christopher Columbus.
  • Period: to

    contemporany eage

  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
  • first time on the moon

     first time on the moon